Without a standard workflow or project planning process, each project is likely managed differently. Manage multiple projects with Kissflow Project Working on multiple projects at the same time requires extreme dedication and skills. Keep a clean workspace. So prioritize work strategically on both a macro level (i.e. pushing a low-impact project to next quarter) and micro level (organizing your daily to-do list in order of importance). I’d pass out before I’d pass over. Consistent updates encourage you and your colleagues to do consistent work. We waste hours every day by simply navigating back and forth from one attention sucker to another. One of the best things you can do for yourself as a person with a hefty to-do list is to plan ahead. Set team-level objectives and clearly communicate the projects that will help you achieve them. Tasks, milestones, files, and discussions can then be organized and segregated from other client projects. Picture this: you just finished your quarterly marketing campaign, and you’re getting ready for the next quarter. Stop reinventing the wheel at the beginning of every project. Think of your template as a living document—to have the most effective and efficient process, you should keep updating it with best practices and new insights. Kissflow Project is an ideal project management tool that is designed to accommodate as many projects as possible. As a result, when priorities change, you don’t know what they need to reschedule, how busy everyone is, or how to track the work you’re putting on hold. It could be enough to cross off one aspect of a project, so long as you’re able to visualize your progress. With real-time updates, everyone has access into how work is progressing, too. Does anything feel better than crossing tasks off of your to-do list? Following some simple organizational tactics will nip these insecurities in the bud. Delegating isn’t a sign of weakness, it just means you have too much on your plate at this current moment in time. 1. First, know your priorities. Have all of your tasks laid out so you know what’s left to do. Think about it. However, this is not reality in our modern business environment where project managers have to manage multiple projects concurrently. When you’re trying to master multiple tasks, it’s okay, and even encouraged, to say no to a few things here and there. Project Management, Who Needs It? In that scenario, it’s important to have patience with yourself, to go home and recharge, and try again with vigor the next day. But you don’t remember how exactly you set up your work—it’s changed so much since then, and you’re already managing multiple projects as is. In the case of juggling multiple projects, you’ll likely have to assert yourself and ask other people what they think, feel and need. By sharing a central source of truth with your team, you can manage multiple projects without worrying about shifting priorities. Not unless I’m watching it, from my seat, at the circus. Your ability to organize is constantly on trial at the workplace. A second, however, would have the most impact on customer retention and LTV. This gives you a full overview of your daily, weekly, and monthly workload. I advise you to pick one task and put everything else away. “Your top priorities should align with these goals and help you get one step closer to achieving them,” says writer Kasey Fleisher Hickey. Communication of this kind is helpful across the board. These hands weren’t made to blister. By following the aforementioned advice, you should be able get a better handle on your multitude of projects. Because everyone’s work is visible, you can get a quick sense of your team’s bandwidth and current tasks. No manager wants to be a micromanager, but losing sight of tasks and feeling like you’re in the dark about work being done on your team can make it nearly impossible to be an effective leader. So, don’t be afraid to say no to things that you know will keep you from accomplishing your own goals. How to manage multiple projects Don’t Multi-Task. Prioritize. To clarify, understand that you can’t possibly commit 100 percent of your attention to two separate things. Setting and understanding expectations is a huge part of managing multiple projects at once. For example, you may have a designer who is responsible for a small task, like editing a couple of photos, for your next product launch, but also single-handedly designing, printing, and delivering brochures, business cards, and posters for a conference happening—next month! They’re also fairly easy to use — depending on how much training you offer employees — and can really change the way you and your team operate. Examples of this are meeting room scheduling solutions, or reminders to order pertinent supplies after they’ve run out. Designate one place to house all of your projects. Problem: You’re seeing inconsistencies in... 3. In this case, you have to determine what’s more important of the two. Build project plans, coordinate tasks, and hit deadlines, Connect with the tools you love and rely on every day, See how Asana helps teams achieve their goals, Set strategic goals and track progress in one place, Monitor the progress and status of key initiatives in real time, See how much work team members have across projects, Submit and manage work requests in one place, Streamline processes, reduce errors, and spend less time on routine tasks, For simple task and project management. Subscribe to keep your fingers on the tech pulse. A good manager is a jack-of-all-trades and a master of most tasks, if not all.. Competence at managing a single project may seem like enough to handle a multi-project scenario, but it turns out multiple project management (MPM) is more… If you can do that, then you’re already winning the obstacle course in my book. Hopefully these tips will help you keep track of all of your program’s moving pieces, stay organized, hit your deadlines, and achieve your goals—every time. By sharing a single source of truth with your team, you have a way to track all of the work everyone is doing. Instead of being afraid of the answer, or fearing that your boss will judge you for asking the question, learn to be an over-communicator. For example, your team might be working on five product launches at the same time. At the same time, another designer has extra bandwidth. But if you’re managing multiple projects, you and your team could get confused about how your work overlaps or relies on different elements. Great project management software should help you to organise every single aspect of your project down to hours billed, worked, conversations had via email or phone, email analytics, files, anything. Instead, prioritize them based on what will make the largest impact on your company goals. [Read: How to create and share effective project status reports]. This doesn’t have to be huge, although it does feel better to cross off something significant. Managing multiple projects’ objectives and deadlines. Even the most carefully planned project can get derailed if it’s not scheduled with the full scope of your team’s work for the month, quarter, or year in mind. A remote manager’s guide to work management. This will require some evaluation and tweaking so as to eliminate the strategies that aren’t doing you any favors. How to Manage Multiple Projects – 5 Things You Need Efficient collaboration in multiple projects. Not everything you work on has the same payoff for finishing it or consequences for not finishing it. She was raised in Texas, educated in Missouri, worked in Chicago, and is now a proud New Yorker. 10 Strategies to Manage Multiple Projects at Once 1. Sure, you can use a Gantt Chart to illustrate sequencing and track dependencies, but again, this requires pre-planning and works in a less volatile environment. How IT Portfolio Management Can Save Your Team Money, Keep your team accountable, and vice versa. In this piece, you’ll find information on how to identify and eliminate your main time-wasters, as well as information on how to build a productive team. Team accountability can look like team-wide meetings, small group get-togethers, or one-on-one meetings between employee and manager. [Read: Manage multiple projects with Asana Portfolios]. Again, don’t be afraid to tell your team that it’s not a good time to talk, but you’d be happy to circle back later. Prioritize your projects to keep things in perspective. One of the most valuable skills any project manager worth his salt should possess is the ability to manage multiple projects. The biggest tip I can give you for managing multiple projects at the same time is to keep communication channels open. Setting team priorities and aligning on work is key—but so is being flexible enough to pivot when you need to. Use project management software As projects become increasingly complex, it is becoming harder to track their progress and to work effectively with all of the stakeholders that are involved. This is, of course, only possible if your colleagues are equipped to help. A recent study found that managers are more likely to find that remote work means their jobs are more demanding, work-life balance is difficult, and work feels overwhelming. Here are seven habits to acquire to be an effective, productive juggler. Additionally, these tools can create daily or weekly reports that provide an overview of team or individual progress. While that’s true, it’s not always within your abilities to be the knight in shining armor. If you work in sales, the end of the fiscal year might all-around feel like misery on a plate. If you’re having trouble doing everything you need to, consider delegating the tasks to those around you. An urgent project requires immediate attention to stay on track or keep business going. By using any effective project management software, you can make your life easier. While it might be tempting to chip away at the easiest projects first—resist. Then you can defer, remove, or re-delegate tasks to keep your projects on track. Time blocking is a technique... 3. Your team is running in 18 different directions and you are expected to keep up the pace. So be careful not to become overloaded, otherwise, you could find you have problems that damage your reputation as a project manager. Those interested could even use software solutions for resource management. I hated the idea of being disrupted as I was writing in my diary or watching a Full House rerun. Asking these questions beforehand helps prevent a misunderstanding that might result in lackluster performance. Although it’s nice to make yourself available as a teammate, it’s also nice to accomplish the goals necessary for everyone’s success. Interested in engaging with the team at G2? This time management matrix Stephen Covey developed makes it easy to … The good news is, there’s hope. An important project brings value to your business, whether you feel its impact today or years down the road. Or your team ends up duplicating work because they didn’t know someone else is already working on it. Only you know what extra work you can take on without compromising that. But next, you’ll want to actually see all the tasks in each project, who they’re assigned to, and their date ranges so you can spot overbooked employees and project timeline conflicts. Not all tools have filters that allow for this, so make sure you choose one that does. 1. You need to know what everyone is expecting in order to deliver the quality product or service you’ve promised. Delegating is difficult for many people because it can feel a lot like passing your work onto others. Since you know that LTV is a higher priority for the company, you’ll want to make sure the second product is fully staffed before deciding who has time to work on the lower priority projects. But if you track your work in spreadsheets and to-do lists across multiple tools, it can be hard to know what your team is working on at any one time. Use left and right arrow keys to navigate between columns.Use up and down arrow keys to move between submenu items.Use Escape to close the menu. It’s a good sign of character that you know when to say when and ask your team to come in for backup. Without a good process for managing multiple projects, it’s hard to know what work to prioritize, how to help your team effectively manage their workload, and if everything is all getting done on time. Listing out and accomplishing little things can help make large goals feel manageable. This sounds counterproductive as this entire article centers around how to successfully manage multiple projects at once. But being an effective juggler—someone who can keep a lot of balls in the air, and also get things done—requires some important skills. Be sure to set expectations prior to beginning your projects. Organization. People that put no thought into how they prioritize multiple projects tend to struggle when coming up on deadlines. Whether you’re struggling to organize and manage work across multiple projects or ensuring your team has a manageable workload, these ten strategies will help you keep everything on track. Your time is valuable. Oddly enough, it has been proven that we cannot do it all. To start, I suggest taking a look at our article on time management. Managing multiple projects at once can often feel like an obstacle course. If you aren’t already using one, a project or work management platform is the best kind of tool for the job—and ideally one that’s flexible, easy to use, and collaborative. Being that I’m a writer, clarifying expectations would mean asking my manager or editor how many words my assignments should be, or asking questions about an article’s topic. However, studies show that multi-tasking is actually not as productive as you think it is. Work worth doing, and work done well, should make you feel as though you’ve exerted a massive amount of energy into something important. For project management professionals, however, this is just the truth of the job. Next, make plans, processes, and responsibilities clear at the program level. We’re always looking for experts to contribute to our Learning Hub in a variety of ways. There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get it all done. When all of your team’s work lives in a centrally shared project, you can get at-a-glance insight into what’s on everyone’s plate, when those tasks are due, and how they’re progressing. They’ll help ensure that projects are executed the same way every time—without having to re-think every little step that went into them. When you don’t have insight into the work others are doing, you lack the context to understand why timelines are shifting, whether priorities remain the same, and how the project is progressing. While they’re all about the same size in terms of effort and work required to complete, one of them has the potential to make a much larger impact on new customer revenue than the other four. While there is no magic formula to hitting the right balance and managing your time seamlessly, you can improve your time-handling skills to accomplish more tasks on your to-do list. Here are a few tips: Timing can make all the difference in keeping multiple projects on track and helping your team be their most productive. Spend every Monday carefully evaluating what needs to be accomplished that week. You create a number or color key that defines the meaning of each ranking, and then assign tasks a level of importance. You are all working together to achieve the same goal, albeit with different roles and strengths. Handling multiple projects can quickly get out of control, and taking your eye off the ball can quickly lead to extra work, mistakes or even failure. This is best facilitated through a top-level analytical view of all the team’s projects. Project provides tools to help you manage cross-project dependencies, even tasks in one project that are dependent on the completion of another project. We hear our colleagues praised for this kind of behavior all the time, “John was so helpful during our contract emergency last week, dropping everything to get us back on track with a client and make the sale.” Everyone loves a helper, right? Project management software isn’t just for project managers; it’s for the whole team. Climbing walls? Problem: Lack of visibility across all of your projects. Regardless of a person’s particular role at a company, we could all benefit from better understanding how to keep multiple plates spinning. That way, you can check in on the tasks if necessary—without micromanaging them. One of the best things you can do for yourself as a person with a hefty to-do list is to plan ahead. As you work on projects and constantly add more to your list, use some kind of system to remind yourself what is the most important and what you can put off for long amounts of time. (she/her/hers). If you’re looking at everyone’s workload side by side, you can quickly spot this discrepancy and reallocate work accordingly. Online project management software allows you to oversee all of the projects that you are managing and bring all of your team members together to collaborate in one place. I’m also able to determine what kind of an article would check off all of my editor’s boxes. Without this fundamental knowledge, you can spend all day working at top... 2. [Read: How to manage multiple projects in Asana]. Let’s go over these one by one. Organize your tasks with labels such as due dates and importance. Don’t be afraid to ask your manager for help in this. As a result, deliverables are inconsistent, time is wasted setting up a new process each time, and work is more likely to fall through the cracks. For example, if you’re managing a product roadmap with multiple product launches, you’ll want to know exactly how many launches there are, what each includes, and when each is happening. While you’ll certainly get better at juggling projects with time, you can start using these strategies today to get better instantly. You miss essential pieces of information because you don’t have access to files or aren’t copied on an email. You can decide what information is important to display and accordingly choose fields in the table. Cut through the noise and dive deep on a specific topic with one of our curated content hubs. Project management software can be a life-saver for those who are in the midst of multiple projects at once. Learn how to develop and implement a project scope statement to increase your teams productivity, and learn about the project life cycle. When it’s time to coordinate a new project, simply get started with your custom template, so you can ramp up faster and more efficiently. How to manage resources across multiple projects: Invest in resource management software to increase transparency into employee workloads and optimize utilization. Block Your Time. For example, for large projects you might require project leads to create a brief before outlining the project plan. This could mean asking for a checklist, or creating the checklist yourself so as to show management you went above and beyond what was asked of you. Over-communicators are rarely confused as to which direction they’re going. Stay close to what they are expecting from you. Finally, make sure to keep your template in your team’s central source of truth so everyone has access to it, and can start the project easily. This sounds counterproductive as this entire article centers around how to successfully manage... Plan Ahead. Backlogged communication is a huge stress point for me, and I’m sure you’d feel better if you assigned a little bit of each day to tackling your inbox. When things get busy in the office, it can be a real challenge figuring out how to manage multiple projects. Tools such as Airtable can help you create a spreadsheet-style database for all your projects and their tasks and organize all the information in a single table. Not only will you be able to better allocate time and resources, but you won’t be left in the dark wondering if your projects will contribute to company goals. At Asana we (no surprise) think Asana is a great option to consider. How InLoox Can Help You Manage Multiple Projects. You have a job to do and it comes complete with its own to-do list, expectations, and consequences should you fall short. Some solutions even have digital to-do lists that allow you to check items off as they are completed. You have to protect your time and your standing within the organization, which you do by completing your work consistently. To help you, set due dates for your tasks and projects. 1. One big example is communicating what’s important. They see what you put before them. The idea of having to accomplish so many varying activities in such a short span of time — while racing against other children and their superiority complexes — has always sent me into an endless spiral of anxiety. Project management software has calendaring tools to help with the scheduling of tasks and subtasks and increases transparency into how other team members are performing. Then deliver it. So employers may ask you how you organize. Common Interview Question – How Do You Prioritize Multiple Projects? To make your job easier, be involved when deadlines and milestones are being established. Free for teams up to 15, For effectively planning and managing team projects, For managing large initiatives and improving cross-team collaboration, For organizations that need additional security, control, and support, Plan and track campaigns, launches, and more, Build, scale and streamline processes to improve efficiency, Close deals and onboard new customers faster, Build roadmaps, plan sprints, manage shipping and launches, Plan, track, and manage team projects from start to finish, Create custom processes to fit your needs, Build team calendars to track work and manage schedules, Use columns to prioritize tasks and manage projects through every stage, Collaborate and manage work from anywhere, Be more deliberate about how you manage your time, Build fast, ship often, and track it all in one place, Hit the ground running with templates designed for your use-case, Discover best practices, watch webinars, get insights, Get lots of tips, tricks, and advice to get the most from Asana, Sign up for interactive courses and webinars to learn Asana, Discover the latest Asana product and company news, Connect with and learn from Asana customers around the world, Need help? When you hand work to a manager, they unfortunately don’t see the number of things you had on your plate. This sentence sounds confusing. How do you replicate the campaign without making sure you don’t miss any crucial tasks? Some of these methods include color or number-coding tasks by a certain level of importance. Check it out and get in touch! How to Answer The employer is looking for specifics about what you do to organize. [Read: How to write an effective project status report]. Additionally, make sure you’re updating your template regularly with new tasks or steps you’ve added to the process or new workflows you’re building out. Maybe even set a timer for 30-45 minutes and focus on your chosen assignment completely for that amount of time. When you know your colleagues are invested in your progress, you’re much less likely to dilly dally and waste time on distractions or other things that don’t matter. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. When done correctly, however, delegating is simply a form of splitting up a team’s efforts so more people can accomplish tasks in less time. If you or your team is having trouble managing a full calendar, consider investing in a physical signal that your team is not to be disturbed. Tight-rope walking? [Read: 3 ways to increase project visibility]. This is also important because it allows you to show others what you’ve accomplished. This helps you view your priorities as a more quantitative measurement as opposed to a sentiment. For example, if you try to launch three different web updates at same time, they might end up conflicting with each other or dragging on longer than expected because your team is trying to do too much at once. 1) Set expectations. Here are some ways to help you keep everything in check when working on multiple projects at the same time. At the project level, this means clearly outlining goals, every step and piece of work that needs to be completed, when each is scheduled for, and who’ll be responsible for it. It can be tough to know what comes first. Expand your knowledge. For one, be sure to write out and keep that to-do list we’ve spoken so much about. Solution:... 2. Make a to-do list before you start your day Instead, schedule and coordinate your team’s work with the full scope of your program in mind. Planning and managing all of your launches in one place lets you quickly see everything that’s in progress and the status of your entire roadmap. This guide is for you. No matter how you go about holding yourself accountable to a standard, just be sure that you do. For some, this simply means blocking off time on their Google calendar for a few hours each day that says, “Busy,” or “Please come back later.” For other teams, this may mean purchasing physical signs or flags that team members can raise when they’d like to be left alone. Strategies for Managing Multiple Projects To stay organized while managing multiple projects in project management, you certainly could use the help of a reliable software solution like Quick Base. This is especially true during busy seasons, which vary depending on your industry. Define goals, plans, responsibilities, and expectations at the beginning. ProjectManager.com is a cloud-based tool that gives you the tools to better manage multiple projects all from one tool. If you’re a retail employee or manager, holidays are a time to multi-task. Additionally, make templates for projects your team does often. Similar to eliminating the phrase “multi-tasking” from your memory, part of juggling multiple projects is learning how to focus well and zero-in on one thing at a time. Other valuable tips that can help with multiple project management include taking the time to re-prioritize projects if or when it becomes necessary, adding more members to a team if a project expands, and ensuring that all team members are aware of the goals of a project. Communication is an issue at many, if not most, organizations. While managing a project, you need to take care of a variety of tasks simultaneously. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(4099946, '0d1cda76-2cf4-4c1b-9a3d-89941ef12736', {}); There are even many free project management software options for teams to explore. For some senior team members, the most important part of managing multiple projects is ensuring objectives are completed and deadlines are met. Managing all of your projects in the same place is a good first step to solving this. How to Manage Multiple Projects With Software Project management software helps you manage one or more projects by organizing tasks, creating schedules and then monitoring their progress and reporting on performance. Comments (3) Use up and down arrow keys to move between submenu items. Whether it’s in your project management tool or in your regular 1-1 meeting, check in with your team members about their workload and double check that everything’s on track. How do you plan on having a productive workday if your calendar is outdated, your notebook is falling apart, and your inbox is overflowing with emails you’re too stressed to check up on? Who better to keep each other on track than the team who also wants to defeat the same challenges? One of the tactics you should try out in order to manage multiple projects is to use online project management software. Managing a multitude of IT projects is tricky. We simply haven’t cracked the code of how to get dozens of colleagues with various personalities and working styles to openly and transparently say what they think, feel, and need. Expectations will look different depending on your role and industry. To fix this, make sure the plan, process, and responsibilities among your team are clear from the beginning. This means you’re more or less relying on your team to let you know when workloads are too much or too little. But keeping track of all the moving pieces can get complicated, and fast. If you can’t deliver it, you should be honest and upfront about why. Teams that suffer from communication issues do so because they lack visibility into their work, their partners’ work, and their cross-functional stakeholders’ work. Knowing where to find things will be a huge help when your boss asks for that invoice you printed out weeks ago. By using a methodology for managing multiple projects, the project manager will be able to efficiently plan and control project activities. This will help you prioritize and better understand what needs to be completed within specific timeframes. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish when you’re completely paying attention. Being that I had two sisters, I was constantly doodling new “Please Knock: Or Else” signs to stick up on my bedroom door. Whether you’re a beginner looking to define an industry term or an expert seeking strategic advice, there’s an article for everyone. That way, you can use your workflows as templates over and over again. There’s a reason obstacle courses only come around every so often: many of us could not maintain that type of energy day in and day out. We live in an incredibly hectic time period with app notifications, Slack messages, emails, calls from Mom, and more piling in minute by minute. You Do. If you’re lacking the skills to properly prioritize your work, or you’d simply like to read more on how to rank tasks, check out our article on how to prioritize at work. Keep talking to the team leaders, the project sponsors, the managers. Instead of sourcing data and updates across spreadsheets, documents, and other tools, you can easily gather the information with the click of a button—and share it out with stakeholders in just another click. Too distracted same place is a juggling act ; managing multiple projects the. Challenge figuring out how to create and share effective project management software to project. Some time researching other tips on focusing and time the pace is running in 18 different and. To efficiently plan and control project activities encourage you and your CFO has dropped a time-sensitive assignment on the! Team or individual progress brings value to your business, whether you feel its impact today or down... 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Up on deadlines important project brings value to your business, whether you feel its impact today years! From the beginning studies show that multi-tasking is actually not as productive as you think it ’ s to., you can maintain quality across assignments on trial at the circus editor ’ s hope going...