Ivy contains a naturally-occurring steroid known as sapogenin which can cause skin irritation and allergies when swallowed. Many garden plants are potentially toxic to dogs. It is mainly young puppies who are into everything and curious, that are at greatest risk. Also present in summer. ‍The beautiful Foxglove must be treated with care. However we do have to remain sensible about the risks involved with poisonous plants, otherwise us dog owners would have nothing in our gardens apart from grass! The majority won’t cause much more than an upset stomach, and most dogs won’t eat plants that are poisonous to them. Popular Christmas gifts such as pointsettia plants, lillies and amaryllis and decorative Christmas foliage, such as holly and mistletoe, can cause serious harm to dogs. More plants, poisonous for dogs and cats will be added to the list within the near future. Note: These are the most common species and some are less common, grown indoors. May cause skin allergy. Aloe Vera is a popular plant to have in a house but make sure they’re kept out of your dog’s reach as the plant contains a chemical called saponin which is toxic to both animals and children. As their guardians and pack leaders we must keep them safe from harmful foods. In terms of poisonous plants for dogs, the castor oil bush is particularly nasty. Many plants are toxic to dogs. Yet the RHS publishes a list of more than 130 common garden plants that are potentially toxic and documented cases of animals poisoned by apparently innocuous plants occur each year in the UK. Yet the RHS publishes a list of more than 130 common garden plants that are potentially toxic and documented cases of animals poisoned by apparently innocuous plants occur each year in the UK. Ensure dogs water supplies cannot become contaminated, and change regularly. You may come across blue green algae on a day out in the countryside or on the coast. Lavender. Golden chain (seed capsules) Laburnum Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. Some forms of the algae are so toxic, they can cause rapid death so it is really important to keep your dog on a lead. Daffodil bulbs. It can affect the heart because it contains naturally occurring poisons called cardiac glycoside toxins. Don’t give into those pleading eyes … only feed your dogs food that is healthy for them! Also, those dogs who have a tendency to eat a lot of grass, could take in other plant species by mistake, which could potentially be toxic. 1. Rhododendron, Begonia, Chrysanthemum, Cyclamen, Hosta, Ivy and Lilies are just a selection of the most poisonous plants for dogs and cats, see below to find out more details: • Rhododendron: Not only is this toxic to cats and dogs, it can also be dangerous for horses. However, human food can be dangerous for dogs, even types of food that are completely safe for us. Cyclamen. HPC@cvsvets.com                  01379 658425. The Dogs Trust has created a factsheet with a list of plants which have varying toxicity to dogs, which is also very useful when studying what plants are poisonous to dogs. 5. Most toxic garden plants, such as granny’s bonnet, bluebells and hellebores, need to be eaten in such huge quantities to cause harm, that they’re very unlikely to do so. We cannot eliminate risk from our lives, but it is always a good idea to be aware of potential dangers and to know what to do, should we need to. Azalea. Philodendron. This color changes to yellow late in the summer. Cats and dogs are the most at risk because they are so inquisitive and regularly ingest plant material. The algae can form massive growths or “blooms” in summer and early autumn, which are particularly concentrated at the edge of the water. However, Yellow dog is one of the poisonous plants that could harm dogs. Make sure your pet doesn’t get their paws on any plants with bulbs while you’re organising your garden for spring, as many of them can be poisonous. And plants, which can be serious, because lots of common house and garden plants are poisonous to dogs. Christmas Catus Air plants are dog friendly plants and non-toxic for cats as well. ... the seed pods are toxic to dogs… Tulips (Tulipa species) Tulip bulbs are the most poisonous part of the plant, but the stems, leaves and flowers are also toxic. Read our advice on this. This is not an exhaustive list but includes many of the common plants found in our gardens: Do not forget other vegetation hazards that your dog may eat which although are not strictly plants, should not be forgotten: Although you may not think of this as a plant, it is a primitive plant like organism that flourishes in water where there are favourable conditions, (sunny weather, high water temperature, and abundant nutrients). If so, follow this list to ensure your furry friend eats delicious dog food and not poisonous plants. The list isn’t exhaustive, but you can find more information at The Veterinary Poisons Information Service (VPIS). The initial color of the pods' husks is green. Additionally, plastic plants won’t die – you can “plant” them anywhere you like, and you won’t have to water, fertilize, or prune them. When buying a house plant for yourself or as a gift for someone with children or pets, it is important to check the label for toxicity warnings and do some research. There’s a lot of different plants that we love to grow for their showy flowers or lush greenery. Purple Basil. It’s essential to keep both your garden and your pets safe — the former from mischievous cats and dogs and the latter from toxic plants. Just as there are many poisonous plants for dogs, there are a few alternatives that are completely safe! Ornithogalum. Like all toxic substances, how badly your pet will be affected depends how much of the plant your pet has eaten. Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogs Plants Toxic to Dogs Adam-and-Eve (Arum, Lord-and-Ladies, Wake Robin, Starch Root, Bobbins, Cuckoo Plant) | Scientific Names: Arum maculatum | Family: Araceae It is useful therefore to have a list of the common species that we should be able to recognise. Juniper Poisonous plants for dogs. This is not an exhaustive list but includes many of the common plants found in our gardens: Allium species. Tulip: (Tulipa) The bulbs are the most toxic, however all parts of the plant can be toxic in large quantities. Despite its bad reputation, the effect it has on dogs isn’t as serious as other poisonous plants. Founded in 1917 by animal welfare pioneer, Maria Dickin CBE, PDSA is the UK’s leading veterinary charity. Air Plants. The cost of purchasing these goods and services separately would result in an average annual savings of up to £200 (or more for larger breeds). Cats and dogs are the most at risk because they are so inquisitive and regularly ingest plant material. Clematis. It’s natural, then, given how much time we spend with our four-legged companions, to assume they can eat with us, too. Gardeners are being urged to keep an eye open for poisonous plants which are common to many UK gardens, as these plants could cause harm to humans, dogs and cats. The following is a list of poisonous plants for dogs so keep a watchful eye on your dog if you have any of them around your home or garden, and consider whether you should remove them. They’ll be happy to advise you of the level of risk to your pet and how urgent it is that they are seen. The following plants are the most toxic to dogs and should never be made available to them under any circumstances: Castor bean or castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) To keep on the safe side I have included plants that the ASPCA include on their toxic list.If you don't see a plant on the list above then it's most likely not known to be poisonous to the ASPCA. Poisonous plants for dogs. Once you start to read the labels on plants, bulbs and seeds, it is amazing how many say “toxic if eaten”. 5. In this time of crisis, our front-line staff are working hard to ensure we're still there for the UK's most vulnerable pets. In general, adult dogs are fairly careful about what they eat and fortunately plant poisoning is pretty rare. Our advice is to be aware of the dangers but apply common sense to any situation. If your pet has eaten anything they shouldn’t have, or you’re worried about them at all, it’s best to get in touch with your vet straight away. The PDSA produced the following list. If you want to avoid the ones above, here are a few good ones that not only look beautiful, they have some great benefits. Asparagus Fern. Do you have any? "So, when you're deciding which plants to put in your garden, or even a pot in the house, do check first to make sure it isn't toxic to your pets. Sometimes plants and other things can cause our pets to be particularly itchy! 6. In more serious cases it can result in changes to heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure, and even lead to a seizure. Dogs can also become unwell if the flowers are eaten, or if they drink water from a vase containing daffodils; Tulips: the toxins found in this plant cause irritation to the mouth and gastrointestinal tract and usually only result in drooling, vomiting and diarrhoea. Watch our video on plants that are toxic to dogs. Can you have a dog in an apartment? In the following, you will learn which plants are poisonous for your dog, how to detect possible poisoning and what measures can save the life of your four-legged friend in an emergency. Some plants are more poisonous than others and so a small amount will cause severe signs. If you notice any worrying symptoms and think your dog may have ingested part of a plant, take your pet to the vet. In fact, this plant has many health benefits. Air plants are dog friendly plants and non-toxic for cats as well. There may be notices up to warn people (and pets) that it is dangerous to swim in the affected water. It's not just plants that could be toxic - there are lots of things around your home that could harm your pets. If you do not know if/ what your dog has eaten, phone and take them to the vets as soon as possible. https://www.pdsa.org.uk/.../looking-after-your-pet/all-pets/poisonous-plants But are they safe for your cat or your dog? German primula Toxic if eaten. Ingestion can irritate the mouth and gastrointestinal tract and lead to drooling, … For starters, artificial plants aren’t toxic to dogs. Advice & Information. It might cause mild discomfort in the intestine if your pet ingests it. For this reason, it’s always a good idea to discourage them from chewing on or ingesting any vegetation, especially the following plants. Also Read: How to Save a Dying Air Plant. Lantana | Lantana Camara The Lantana shrub bears vibrantly colored clusters of flowers and is commonly grown as an annual plant in hanging pots by gardeners in colder regions. Eating just a few leaves can cause digestive problems, excessive drooling, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, depression and even a loss of coordination. Many plants are toxic rather than deadly and whilst making your pet poorly, the symptoms, if they develop are not going to be fatal. 14. This rubber plant is, however, quite toxic to dogs and cats, and can lead to vomiting, slow heart rate, and even depression! Autumn Crocus Although beautiful, the Autumn Crocus is one of the most toxic plants for dogs. "A plant can be absolutely beautiful and fragrant, but very dangerous for a beloved cat or dog," a spokesperson from online shed retailer BillyOh.com explains. Not only is it pretty to look at, this plant is completely harmless to your dog. People that love dieffenbachia, usually go nuts for Philodendron. The jade plant – also known as the rubber plant – is part of the Crassulaceae family, and all the plants in this family are poisonous to dogs. Cyclamen's tubes or roots are extremely poisonous This indoor plant is also called the Persian violet and the Sowbread plant. If you get them there quick enough, your vet can give them something to make them vomit, so limiting the effect of the poison. Consuming this plant causes vomiting, lethargy, abdominal pain, weakness, and depression. In fact, castor bean poisoning in dogs can be fatal. "So, when you're deciding which plants to put in your garden, or even a pot in the house, do check first to make sure it isn't toxic … Ensure housing and exercise areas are free from, and not overhung by, poisonous plants. Also Read: Houseplants Toxic to Dogs. Benefits received under the HPC loyalty scheme include: initial vaccination (including Kennel Cough), year’s flea and worming medication, microchip, 20% off neutering, 20% off selected lifetime medication, 10% off products & services, 20% off wellness test and unlimited nail clipping. Euphorbia (spurge, poinsettia) - poisonous; skin & eye irritant NB: Poinsettia (E. pulcherrima) is considerably less toxic than other Euphorbia species. Toxic Trees Conkers. Containing ricin, one of the powerful toxins in the wild, the beans of the plant are highly poisonous to both dogs and cats. Here is a list of what to do if you see your dog eating something you are worried about, or think what they have eaten may be poisonous: For advice on plant poisoning in cats visit > and for advice on plant poisoning in rabbits visit >, The Healthy Pet Club is part of CVS UK Ltd. Delphinium. Christmas Catus. 25. Also present in winter. 4. Avocados are another poisonous food for dogs. They include chrysanthemum, aconite, buttercup, daffodil, daphne, delphinium, foxglove, hydrangea, oak, tomato, wisteria and yew. This list is not necessarily comprehensive. Poisonous Plants (and foods) For Dogs. In severe cases, it can cause a weak heart rate and result in death. Unit living can be a "gilded prison" for dogs. These plants are resistant to droughts and could live on minimal rainfall. Dog Friendly Gardening. Eucalyptus. Read … Craspedia. 208217 & SC037585 © The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals, 150 years on: the story of Maria Dickin and PDSA. Pick a sample of what has been eaten so it can be identified later. The experts at GardenBuildingDirect.co.uk are warning gardeners to keep an eye open for poisonous plants which are common to many UK gardens. Serious cases are rare, but effects could include heart problems and breathing difficulties Do you know just how many common garden plants can be toxic to dogs if eaten? Even if we are really careful in our own gardens to avoid planting potentially poisonous plants, it is pretty impossible to avoid all such plants in the great outdoors. Dogs love to see what we are eating and would jump at the chance to try most anything. Have more questions about what plants that are toxic to dogs and cats? Plant large, established perennials and choose robust plants such as nepeta , astilbe and hardy geranium (avoid Pelargonium species, which can be toxic to dogs and, confusingly, have the common name geranium). Amaryllis bulbs. There’s also a few other plants you’ll want to make sure your pet doesn’t take a snack on. Toxic Ornamental Plants. List of plants that can be poisonous to dogs. Also Read: How to Save a Dying Air Plant. Any contact with such water should be washed off with clean water immediately and the dog taken to a vet as soon as possible. Buy dog friendly plants from UK sellers here Wisteria might be pretty but it can have a deadly consequences for your dog Boisterous dogs can damage young plants, or those with delicate stems, either by digging them up or running through them. © 2020 - All Rights Reserved - The Healthy Pet Club. Schedule a video consult to chat with one of our vets. Related to bittersweet nightshade (and equally toxic) is the Chinese lantern plant which is commonly grown by crafts enthusiasts. Snowdrops: (Galanthus) While all the plant is toxic, usually the bulbs are most toxic to pets. Fortunately, while every part of them is toxic, from their roots and seeds to the flower petals, they are just as foul tasting; so cats and dogs are unlikely to try and eat the plant. These can be an interesting addition to any space because of the unique trait of growing without soil and low maintenance. In extreme cases it can lead to a slowed heart rate and convulsions. Our lists below show when they are likely to flower. Dogs can also become unwell water from a vase containing daffodils is drunk. Gardening is a national pastime and most people who own dogs will also have a garden. Then there’s Hemlock, Deadly Nightshade, tomato plants, primrose, rhododendron, lilies and even Foxgloves that are all capable of adverse health effects or even death. The following is a list of poisonous plants for dogs so keep a watchful eye on your dog if you have any of them around your home or garden, and consider whether you should remove them. Aconitum plants are very common throughout the UK, often growing among thick bushes, and are extremely poisonous to dogs, cats and even humans. Others are less toxic but it’s still best to avoid them. But several shrubs are plants poisonous to dogs: Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) Yew bushes (Taxus) Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia) "A plant can be absolutely beautiful and fragrant, but very dangerous for a beloved cat or dog," a spokesperson from online shed retailer BillyOh.com explains. Operating through a UK-wide network of 48 Pet Hospitals, PDSA provides low cost and free veterinary care to the sick and injured pets of people in need and promotes responsible pet ownership, Registered charity nos. Common illnesses associated with older dogs, Dental disease – the risk of not taking care of your dog's teeth, How to brush your dog's teeth and why you should do it, How to train your dog to do the perfect recall, Keep your dog safe from heartworm disease, Learn how to check for and remove ticks from your dog, Simple health checks you can do with your dog at home, Taking your puppy out for their first walk, Train your dog to walk perfectly on a lead, What to do if someone pets your dog without permission, What to do if a loose dog approaches you on a walk, For advice on plant poisoning in cats visit >, for advice on plant poisoning in rabbits visit >. Heavenly bamboo Nandina domestica Hellebores Helleborus species Heliotrope Here's what you need to consider before bringing a … But overall it’s non-toxic and one of the plants safe for dogs, when it’s compared to other festive plants like amaryllis. By fall, it is a rich orange. This plant of big leaves is very decorative and is quite low maintenance. The list isn’t exhaustive, but you can find more information at The Veterinary Poisons Information Service (VPIS). Rhubarb: (Rheum) Rhubarb leaves are poisonous to dogs and cats, whether they are cooked or raw. We’ve compiled a list of some of the common toxic plants for dogs. You certainly don’t want your dog to eat a bunch of plastic or silk leaves, as this could lead to an obstruction due to plastic ingestion, but few dogs would be inclined to do so. * Sample savings based on average prices charged across a sample of 25 practices. Different plants flower at different times of year, although their bulbs and seeds may always be present. 1. Be careful to wash your hands, as it could be toxic to people too. Common dog poisons: The Veterinary Poisons Information Service (VPIS) is a 24hour emergency service providing information and advice to vets and animal welfare organisations on the treatment of animals exposed to toxins. Some breeds such as Labradors, that tend to have a “see it, eat it” approach to life, may be more likely to be affected. See the ‘Comprehensive Lists of Plants Toxic to Dogs’ section below to look up plants that are poisonous to pets. As a quick guide, we have listed below some of the more common plants and flowers that can be toxic to dogs. ‘Poison’ ivy may just be the most well-known of poisonous plants for dogs. Asparagus fern. Other common toxic plants include, but are not limited to: holly, tulip, oleander, azalea, daffodil, carnations, chrysanthemum, corn plant, dumb cane, jade plant. For more information, please see the ASPCA comprehensive list, including pictures, of toxic and non-toxic plants. False hellebore - see Veratrum False jasmine - see Gelsemium Glory lily Gloriosa superba Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. CVS House, Owen Road, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4ER - Company No 3777473 However, it is best to avoid ingestion and contact with milky sap. Also, check out these flowering succulents. Delphiniums. Benefits, costs and savings vary depending on the type and size of your pet. Keep your dog well away from these plants and flowers as some parts of these are very poisonous to dogs and can even be fatal: Astrantia. We need your support now more than ever to keep our doors open. Avocado plants contain a substance called Persin which is in its leaves, fruit and seed and can cause vomiting and diarrhoea in dogs. • Begonia: A popular and versatile sum… As man’s best friend, dogs do everything with us: walk around town, ride in the car, play in the yard, and snuggle on the couch. Granny’s bonnets Aquilegia vulgaris Harmful if eaten in quantity. 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