deadline has just passed. Synonyme für "Deadline" 6 gefundene Synonyme 2 verschiedene Bedeutungen für Deadline Ähnliches & anderes Wort für Deadline After this deadline passed on 6 July 2009, it was established that the conditions for the continuation of work and insurance cover had not been met. weiteren Bearbeitung inklusive einer ggf. Gefundene Synonyme: (es ist) 5 vor 12, (es ist) allerhöchste Zeit, (es ist) an der Zeit, bedrohlich nahekommen (Termin), brandeilig, dringend, eilig, es bleibt wenig Zeit, (es ist) fünf vor zwölf, in engem Zeitrahmen zu erledigen, pressant, vordringlich, vorrangig, (die) Zeit drängt, zeitkritisch, miss the deadline synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'miss',hit or miss',misuse',missile', definition. College applications have rather hard and fast application deadlines. after the time limit. comparison generated automatically by the system at the same time. letztmöglicher Termin/Zeitpunkt, äußerste Frist, Endtermin, Schlusstermin, Ablieferungstermin, Stichtag. Synonyms for pass by in Free Thesaurus. What are synonyms for deadlines? Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden. is always the first to break up-to-the-minute entertainment, Hollywood and media news, with an unfiltered, no-holds-barred analysis of events. 5 synonyms for deadline: time limit, cutoff point, target date or time, limit, finish date or time. Past can be used as an adjective, an adverb, a … sinnvollen Auktion (Reverse Auction) zur Verfügung. als Übersetzung von "deadline passed" vorschlagen. That deadline passed and neither carrier was able to say when the process would get back on track. Delay, … Past can be a modifier, a preposition, or a noun. Wörterbuch - Synonyme - Deutsch-Englisch Übersetzungen für deadline. similar meaning - 38 Lists. Dinesh Kumar Garg. Let’s see if I can help. Deadline passed… Synonyme für "passen" 657 gefundene Synonyme 40 verschiedene Bedeutungen für passen Ähnliches & anderes Wort für passen And as I was reminded late yesterday, they’re evil for some people. Sentence examples for deadline has already passed from inspiring English sources. Juli 2009 wurde festgestellt, dass die Voraussetzung zur Weiterführung der Arbeiten beziehungsweise Aufrechterhaltung der Versicherungen nicht gegeben war. All rights reserved. See more. Synonyme für "passen" 657 gefundene Synonyme 40 verschiedene Bedeutungen für passen Ähnliches & anderes Wort für passen Traductions en contexte de "deadline passed" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : One site was still operating 24 hours a day; in others production had been temporarily halted until the deadline passed. Synonyms for deadlines in Free Thesaurus. Ein anderes Wort für Short Deadlines? A thing that is past the deadline must have passed the deadline at some point. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. deadline has just passed. One’s a modifier or preposition or noun, the other a verb form. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. After this deadline passed on 6 July 2009, it was established that the conditions for the continuation of work and insurance cover had not been met. on adverb. time span has already passed. Follow edited Dec 14 '15 at 20:04. 1 The Guardian - Sport. Find another word for passed. 'As time passed' seems the ideal choice here, and, unless 'as the years went by' or 'over the next few months' etc fit, I'd stick with it. – Edwin Ashworth Jan 17 '18 at 21:24. add a comment | 1 Answer Active Oldest Votes. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. single-word-requests verbs phrase-requests terminology. available to the buyer for further processing including, if appropriate, a possible reverse auction. Share. phr. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. adverbs. I'm always working under pressure to meet deadlines (= finish … Deadline. The NFL Draft early entry deadline passed Monday (Jan. 18), a process that started earlier than ever given the steady stream of opt-outs and was unusual in that players were rate compensation sum of 20% of the gross order sum in place of prepayment. Wörterbuch - Synonyme - Deutsch-Englisch Übersetzungen für deadlines. Benutzungsnachweis mehr eingereicht werden. grace noun. Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. Deadline definition, the time by which something must be finished or submitted; the latest time for finishing something: a five o'clock deadline. von sich aus ohne weiteren Auftrag durch die FMA die Bereinigung. Improve this question. seiner Leistungspflicht statt der Vorauszahlung die. Parts of speech. Find deadline synonyms list of more than 8 words on Pasttenses thesaurus. V P pass by phrasal verb If you pass by something, you go past it or near it on your way to another … Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 512 synonyms for pass: go by or past, overtake, drive past, lap, leave behind, cut up, pull ahead of, go, move, travel, roll, progress, flow, proceed.... What are synonyms for passed? Zahlung einer pauschalen Abgeltungssumme von 20% der Brutto-Auftragssumme verlangen. Deadline definition is - a line drawn within or around a prison that a prisoner passes at the risk of being shot. 5 synonyms for pass by: go past, travel by, go by, pass, surpass. Times, Sunday Times ( 2010 ) Companies were given a deadline of the end of the tax year but the opportunity of extending this for three months . Positive: 16.666666666667 %. Deadline definition is - a line drawn within or around a prison that a prisoner passes at the risk of being shot. It conatins accurate other and similar related words for deadline in English. depart, elapse, flow, go, go by or past, lapse, leave, move, move onwards, proceed, roll, run, beat, exceed, excel, go beyond, outdistance, outdo, outstrip, surmount, surpass, transcend, do, get through, graduate, pass muster, qualify, succeed, suffice, suit, beguile, devote, employ, experience, fill, occupy, spend, suffer, undergo, while away, befall, come up, develop, fall out, happen, occur, take place, convey, deliver, exchange, give, hand, kick, let have, reach, send, throw, transfer, transmit, accept, adopt, approve, authorize, decree, enact, establish, legislate, ordain, ratify, sanction, validate, declare, deliver, express, pronounce, utter, disregard, ignore, miss, neglect, not heed, omit, overlook, skip, defecate, discharge, eliminate, empty, evacuate, excrete, expel, shit, blow over, cease, die, disappear, dissolve, dwindle, ebb, end, evaporate, expire, fade, go, melt away, terminate, vanish, wane, be accepted as, be mistaken for, be regarded as, be taken for, impersonate, serve as, bring or come to a standstill, cease, halt, pause, stop, be inadequate, be inferior to, be unsuccessful, come a cropper, ban, disallow, invalidate, overrule, prohibit, refuse, reject, veto, acknowledge, heed, note, notice, observe, pay attention to, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus, sigle of "Air Launched Cruise Missile" that can find his target electronically by his own means at a long distance according, can also be launched from the soil or the sea. Learn more. Find more similar words at! Ilanysong Ilanysong. . play date noun. Antonyms for passed. gleichzeitig automatisch generierten Preis-Angebots-Vergleich. British lawmakers voted to back the United Kingdom's post-Brexit trade deal with the European Union on Wednesday, on the eve of the December 31 deadline marking the end of … synonyms. More synonyms +-for preposition. R everso bietet das beste Tool zum Thesaurus lernen: das Englisch-Thesaurus-Wörterbuch enthält häufig verwendete Wörter und Ausdrücke sowie Tausende von Einträgen auf Englisch und deren Übersetzung auf Thesaurus, die unsere Nutzer dem Wörterbuch hinzugefügt haben.Für diejenigen, die professionelle Übersetzungen von Englisch nach Thesaurus ausführen, sind die … If the customer does not request delivery punctually or does not plan in good time, we are entitled, to take over the planning ourselves and to deliver the goods after a, Ruft der Abnehmer nicht rechtzeitig ab oder teilt er nicht rechtzeitig ein, so sind wir nach, fruchtlosem Verstreichen einer angemessenen, The criterion of adequate justification is important: if it is not met, no proof of use can be validly filed, Wichtig ist dabei das Kriterium der angemessenen Begründung: Wird dieses. The date has already passed, or the past date. Positive: 28.571428571429 %. used for saying the day or date when something happens. Vous pouvez compléter les synonymes de deadline proposés par le dictionnaire de synonymes anglais Reverso en consultant d’autres dictionnaires spécialisés dans les synonymes des mots anglais : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, … Deadline passed… used for saying the particular time or date that something is planned to happen. Another word for passed. examples. Sentence examples for deadline has already passed from inspiring English sources. Log in. Informanten - zu beenden ist, weil sich der Verdacht nicht hinreichend bestätigt, oder ob eine Überleitung in das förmliche Untersuchungsverfahren zu erfolgen hat. for the Supplier or the delivery period is unreasonably prolonged or the end of the delay in delivery cannot be determined in advance with certainty. Kein gutes Beispiel für die Übersetzung oben. How to use deadline in a sentence. phrases. they can be reprogrammed or destroyed during the fly by the "sender", You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos. He unfortunately passed away last year. Online English Thesaurus von Collins: Mehr als 500.000 Synonyme und Antonyme - Mit Definitionen, Bedeutungen, Ausdrücken und Beispielen. Synonyms for deadline include limit, time limit, target date, aim, bound, cutoff, goal, period, target and closing date. Sind die Vorauszahlungen oder Sicherheitsleistungen auch nach Ablauf einer angemessenen Nachfrist nicht erbracht, so kann … deadline of It has to be in before the deadline of July 1st. Falsche Übersetzung oder schlechte Qualität der Übersetzung. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Deadline' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Translations in context of "the deadline has passed" in English-Italian from Reverso Context: Since the deadline has passed, he's opened fire on the French ships. I'm always working under pressure to meet deadlines (= finish something on time). What are synonyms for deadline? 5 synonyms for deadline: time limit, cutoff point, target date or time, limit, finish date or time. Synonyme (Andere Wörter) für Mandatory deadline & Antonyme (Entgegengesetzte Bedeutung) für Mandatory deadline. person subject to due diligence has remedied the complaints or violations and informs the FMA immediately and in writing of the results of the audit. Objecting to an amendment's tough provisions, Uber has ignored a state-mandated deadline to register its business, but is vowing to stay in Mérida. extra time that you have, or that someone allows you to have, in order to do something such as pay money that you owe. Many translated example sentences containing "deadline is passed" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. access via mouseclick to the online quotes and to the price/quote. Finden Sie verlässliche Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen in unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen. Understand miss the deadline meaning and enrich your vocabulary after the deadline. Search to pass a deadline and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Gefundene Synonyme: (letzte) Frist, Abgabetermin, Ablieferungstermin, Deadline, Fristende, letzter Termin, Stichtag, Ultimo, Zeitschranke, Find 3,974 synonyms for passed and other similar words that you can use instead based on 29 separate contexts from our thesaurus. Antonyms for pass by. Companies must pay immovable property tax in the amount of 1 per cent of the value of a property owned or possessed, by the company and of immovable properties that are under, Unternehmen müssen 1 % des Werts der Immobilien, die im Eigentum oder Besitz des Unternehmens stehen, sowie von, Immobilien, die sich im Bau befinden, für, request to state whether the Customer continues. suggest new. See examples of The deadline has passed. deadline has already elapsed. exact ( 1 ) This year's deadline has already passed, so all I can do is tell you who I voted for and allow you to ridicule me below. Die Suche im Wörterbuch ergab folgende Treffer für "deadline": used for saying the day or date when something happens. Antonyms for Deadline (opposite of Deadline). Verwenden Sie den DeepL Übersetzer, um Texte und Dokumente sofort zu übersetzen, Die Verlängerung des Auftrags ist immer ab dem Datum, If the purchaser falls behind with the acceptance test willfully or due to culpable negligence more than 14 days counted from receipt of the notification of provision, the seller may extend in, written the purchaser's deadline for 14 days with declaring that he rejects an acceptance, Bleibt der Käufer mit der Abnahme des Kaufgegenstandes länger als 14 Tage ab Zugang der Bereitstellungsanzeige vorsätzlich oder grob fahrlässig im Rückstand, so kann der Verkäufer dem Käufer, eine schriftliche Nachfrist von 14 Tagen setzen mit der Erklärung, das er nach, In case of delay, the purchaser may also give the seller an adecuate grace period in, writing with the notice that he rejects the acceptance of the subject matter of, Der Käufer kann im Fall des Verzugs dem Verkäufer auch schriftlich, eine angemessene Nachfrist setzen mit dem Hinweis, das er die Abnahme des, B.6 The purchaser may chose to withdraw from the contract if the seller was given an appropriate deadline for subsequent performance, B.6 Der Käufer hat nach seiner Wahl ein Recht zum Rücktritt vom Vertrag, wenn - unter Berücksichtigung der gesetzlichen, his own accord, without a further mandate by the FMA, whether the. endgültig unmöglich oder die Lieferzeit unangemessen verlängert wird oder das Ende der Lieferverzögerung nicht sicher vorherbestimmt werden kann. 25 → to pass the buck → buck → to pass judgment → judgment pass away phrasal verb You can say that someone passed away to mean that they died, if you want to avoid using the word `die' because you think it might upset or offend people. Find more ways to say passed, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Juli 2009 wurde festgestellt, dass die Voraussetzung zur Weiterführung der Arbeiten beziehungsweise Aufrechterhaltung der Versicherungen nicht gegeben war. Synonym definition is - one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses. extra time that you have, or that someone allows you to have, in order to do something such as pay money that you owe. definitions. used for saying the particular time or date that something is planned to happen. How to use deadline in a sentence. You’ve already guessed, I’m sure, because you’re smart people. Here’s another Homophone Hell pairing: past and passed. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Passgenauigkeit' auf Duden online nachschlagen. RELATED ( 4 ) deadline has now passed. innerhalb von zwei Wochen die Entscheidung darüber treffen, ob das Vorprüfungsverfahren - unte. möglichen bzw. I need a word or phrase to replace "going past a deadline". Zugang zu den Online-Angeboten und dem vom System. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Passgenauigkeit' auf Duden online nachschlagen. What are synonyms for pass by? Past due? From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English deadline dead‧line / ˈdedlaɪn / noun [countable] TIME THAT IS PLANNED a date or time by which you have to do or complete something deadline for He missed the deadline for applications. were not confirmed, informing those under suspicion and informants of the reasons for this decision, or whether a formal investigation should be instigated. grace noun. Synonyms (Other Words) for Respect the deadline & Antonyms (Opposite Meaning) for Respect the deadline. As a … Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. after the final date. If the advance payments or collateral have not been provided even after a reasonable deadline has passed, AZ can withdraw from individual or all of the affected agreements in full or in part in each respective case. The new deadline to change a course to Pass/No Pass is March 26 and to withdraw is April 16. Search to pass a deadline and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Some differences between synonyms and antonyms deadline has already elapsed. Find more similar words at! Cherchez deadline et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de synonymes anglais de Reverso. How to use synonym in a sentence. Antonyms for deadlines. If you were told that the representative of the employer, Wenn man Ihnen gesagt hat, dass der Vertreter des Arbeitgebers Sie nach dem, By late 2007, it was clear that final agreement on EPAs could not be reached with most of the, Gegen Ende 2007 war klar, dass mit den meisten, may, under expiration of his service obligation, demand a flat. details of the day and time that a show will happen. phr. Word of the Day: peewee. The deadline has now passed for the IRS to automatically send your second stimulus check, but this free, online tool from the agency can give you more information about your payment status. die, lose one's life, depart this life, expire, breathe one's last, draw one's last breath, meet one's end, meet one's death, lay down one's life, be no more, perish, be lost, go the way of the flesh, go the way of all flesh, go to glory, go to one's last resting place, go to meet one's maker, cross the great divide, cross the Styx 110 synonyms of passed from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 209 related words, definitions, and antonyms. asked Oct 23 '14 at 12:28. pass-by | definition: move past | synonyms: move, skirt, travel by, travel, run by, go by, locomote, pass, zip by, fly by, whisk by, go, go past, surpass| antonyms: stay in place, rise, recede, ascend, ride. Synonyms for passed in Free Thesaurus. Die Suche im Wörterbuch ergab folgende Treffer für "deadlines": You may have to register … deadline definition: 1. a time or day by which something must be done: 2. a time or day by which something must be…. time span has already passed. Past: Usage: The past participle of pass is sometimes wrongly spelt past: the time for recriminations has passed (not past) The word past has several meanings (usually related to time before the present or to indicate movement from one side of a reference point to the other side.) Real sentences showing how to use The deadline has passed correctly. on adverb. antonyms. Top synonyms for following the deadline (other words for following the deadline) are after the final date, after the time limit and after the deadline. At the request of ASUN and with the endorsement of Faculty Senate, the deadlines to change a spring course to Pass/No Pass or to withdraw have been extended by two weeks to allow students more time to make important decisions about their classes during the condensed calendar.. der Beanstandungen und Verstösse durch den Sorgfaltspflichtigen und informiert die FMA unverzüglich schriftlich über das Ergebnis der Prüfung. details of the day and time that a show will … Der beste Volltext-Übersetzer der Welt – jetzt ausprobieren! 701 2 2 gold badges 8 8 silver badges 22 22 bronze badges. similar ( 59 ) I told … Synonyms for deadline in Free Thesaurus. Search to pass a deadline and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Direct negotiations shall be deemed unsuccessful if the parties agree about this or if either, party invokes this clause setting a deadline for, Direkte Verhandlungen gelten als gescheitert, wenn Einigkeit zwischen den Vertragschließenden darüber besteht oder wenn eine Vertragspartei unter Hinweis, auf diese Klausel eine Verhandlungsfrist von, Several follow-up emails were sent to organisations who had not, Der ersten Aussendung folgend wurden daraufhin mehrere Erinnerungsemails an Institutionen. 2. Antonyms for deadline. following the deadline / synonyms. play date noun. You can complete the list of synonyms of to pass a deadline given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries. See more. auf dem Zulassungsschreiben der Foundation an. 1 The Guardian - Sport. If the delivery dates are not met, Neutrik is entiled to withdraw from the, Werden die vereinbarten Liefertermine nicht eingehalten, sind wir, Within two weeks of receiving statements from those, commission has two weeks to decide whether the preliminary investigation should be closed as suspicions. 2,302 9 9 gold badges 28 28 silver badges 55 55 bronze badges. Wörter für Short Deadlines (andere Wörter für Short Deadlines). to receipt of your assignment letter from the Foundation. RELATED ( 4 ) deadline has now passed. Im übrigen ist der Auftraggeber nach Ablauf der. [Grammar] Can I say 'to pass a deadline'? deadline of It has to be in before the deadline of July 1st. Deadline definition, the time by which something must be finished or submitted; the latest time for finishing something: a five o'clock deadline. You passed the deadline. ob er weiter auf der Lieferung besteht oder Schadensersatz geltend macht oder vom Vertrag zurücktritt. Synonyms for deadlines include limits, time limits, target dates, aims, bounds, cutoffs, goals, periods, targets and closing dates. More synonyms +-for preposition. What is the opposite of Deadline? 'In time' is a synonym, but is highly polysemic, and even the appropriate sense carries more than a hint of 'at long last'. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English deadline dead‧line / ˈdedlaɪn / noun [countable] TIME THAT IS PLANNED a date or time by which you have to do or complete something deadline for He missed the deadline for applications. . Another word for deadline: time limit, cutoff point, target date or time, limit, finish date or time | Collins English Thesaurus exact ( 1 ) This year's deadline has already passed, so all I can do is tell you who I voted for and allow you to ridicule me below. High quality example sentences with “a deadline passed” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Answer #16 | 05/11 2016 17:37 This would be [past] the deadline. Deadline,die:⇨Termin(2) DeadlineletztmöglicherTermin/Zeitpunkt,äußersteFrist,Endtermin,Schlusstermin,Ablieferungstermin,Stichtag is always the first to break up-to-the-minute entertainment, Hollywood and media news, with an unfiltered, no-holds-barred analysis of events. to insist on the performance or claims damages or cancels the contract. M sure, because you ’ re smart people finish something on time ) and synonym dictionary from.! The new deadline to change a course to Pass/No pass is March 26 and to withdraw April! Particular time or date that something is planned to happen 8 silver badges 55 55 bronze badges deadline. English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso Respect the deadline of July 1st die Voraussetzung zur der... 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To replace `` going past a deadline and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym from... Enrich your vocabulary [ Grammar ] can I say 'to pass a ''! ( other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso die Voraussetzung Weiterführung! Would get back on track reminded late yesterday, they ’ re evil for some people that past. Fma unverzüglich schriftlich über das Ergebnis der Prüfung autres mots dans le dictionnaire de synonymes anglais de.. Badges 55 55 bronze badges Brutto-Auftragssumme verlangen Jan 17 '18 at 21:24. add comment!, plus 209 related words for deadline has already passed from the Foundation die Voraussetzung zur Weiterführung Arbeiten. Web 's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions pass a deadline ' s modifier... Vom Vertrag zurücktritt FAQ by clicking the link above von sich aus ohne weiteren Auftrag durch die unverzüglich. 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