When it comes to counting heads and drawing conclusions, it's important to compare apples with apples. If you are still on the fence in homeschooling your child, knowing the pros and cons of homeschooling is important in order to make an educated and informed decision to make. More: How to Get Started with Homeschooling. Pros and cons of Homeschooling from a homeschool dad’s perspective. Additionally, some homeschoolers deal with hassling from friends for being an outlier. A growing number of colleges and universities around the United States, including Harvard and Yale, are admitting homeschooled students to their freshman classes. Pros of Homeschooling. Homeschooling has grown above average in the United States. Homeschooling statistics, are they important? April 17, 2013 at 6:00 am. ... useful facts and statistics pertaining to it, and common myths associated with it. One-fourth of home school students (24%) have at least one parent who is a certified teacher. We’ll give you a brief overview of homeschooling pros and cons, and we’ll take a look at the basic homeschool vs public school statistics; if you’re not convinced homeschooling is the best way to go, you’ll sure be, by the end of this article. I’m one to always rip the bandaids off, so let’s start by talking about the cons of homeschooling, followed by the pros. 41 Experts Share on the Pros and Cons of Homeschooling By Niv Orlian • Feb 28, 20. What about college? Interestingly, the HEM article came out in favor of case histories. This seems like a silly one to add to the homeschooling pros and cons list, but I actually think it’s huge on the list of homeschooling pros! Pros and cons of Homeschooling from a homeschool dad’s perspective. The Pros Flexibility – Home schooling allows for a great deal of flexibility when it comes to teaching. Some people believe homeschooling is an outdated practice, but with statistics indicating that 3% of the school age population were homeschooled in 2011-12 and figures increasing every year, this is a very real education option for some families. To help other parents who are considering homeschooling, here is a new list of pros and cons. It's hard to find an article about homeschool in the national media that does not include a quote from the Home School Legal Defense Association. Homeschooling is no different, … Since parents have choice of curriculum, there is complete freedom in how to teach and what to teach. A big homeschooling con is family income loss. On the other hand, homeschooling can sometimes lead to isolation from peers, which can be difficult for students who prefer to be social. Homeschool statistics probe that homeschooling students can achieve and do exceptionally well! Homeschooling Cons The Negative Aspects of Homeschooling. A child enrolled in a virtual public charter school who does all schoolwork at home. The biggest of the pros of homeschooling is in individually tailored education for the child, free from age and state curriculum restrictions. The primary benefit of homeschooling is the flexibility it provides, allowing students to work more at their own pace. We’ll give you a brief overview of homeschooling pros and cons, and we’ll take a look at the basic homeschool vs public school statistics; if you’re not convinced homeschooling is the best way to go, you’ll sure be, by the end of this article. Now that you've considered the pros and cons of homeschooling, follow these links for information about: Homeschooling Facts, Homeschooling and Socialization, Homeschooling Benefits, Disadvantages of Homeschooling, Homeschooling Statistics, Homeschooling vs. Public … Mar 21, 2020 - Explore Living Legacy Academy / STRIVE's board "Homeschooling Statistics", followed by 331 people on Pinterest. My oldest was going into the 6th grade when we first started homeschooling. Public school also has pros and cons. When you are trying to make that difficult decision about whether to start homeschooling, it is better to understand ALL sides of the argument!You need to be sure about the negative aspects of homeschooling as well as the positive. According to the Department of Education, the number of home-schooled students has surged by 74 percent over the past eight years, to 1.5 million. 1. More: How to Get Started with Homeschooling. (My anxiety is not a fan of crowds!) Homeschooling is a big move that can change the lives of both parents and the child. The HEM article went on to say that academics who conduct studies often come to be regarded as "experts" on homeschooling, by the public and sometimes by homeschooling parents themselves. Home school students in grades 1 to 4 performed one grade level above their age-level. The U.S. Dept. If there is ever a course topic you don't agree your child should learn, homeschooling fixes this by putting you in charge of the classroom. Because home education allows each student to progress at his or her own rate, almost one in four home school students (24.5%) are enrolled one or more grades above age level. States Don't Keep Complete Records of Who Homeschools, Many Homeschooling Families Choose Not to Take Part in Studies, Many Scholarly Studies Are Stacked Against Homeschooling, Homeschool Research to Take With a Grain of Salt, How to Begin Homeschooling in North Carolina, Online Physical Education for Homeschoolers, 3 Practical Ways to Become a Better Homeschooling Teacher, How to Help Your Homeschooled Kid Find Friends, a report from the National Center for Education Studies, The International Center for Home Education Research, New Nationwide Study Confirms Homeschool Academic Achievement, 1.5 Million Homeschooled Students in the United States in 2007. The Pros and the Cons of Homeschooling. Just The Facts: The Pros & Cons Of Homeschooling. . The pros won me over, but since then, I've discovered there were many more pros and cons that I couldn't possibly have anticipated! It's easy to say that most homeschooling families are not qualified to educate their own children — if you define "qualified" to mean certified to teach in a public school. HSLDA also lobbies state and national legislatures to present its conservative Christian viewpoint on issues regarding home education and family rights. So it's not surprising that the National Home Education Research Institute, an advocacy group, publishes studies that show the benefits of homeschooling. In this article, we will consider four areas and look at the pros and cons in each. If your child has a particular interest, you can spend time developing it. Almost 25% of home school students were enrolled one or more grades above their age-level peers in public and private schools. The apprenticeship model worked for centuries. That's why demands that homeschoolers submit to more testing and studies that look at homeschooling through the lens of traditional schooling can miss the true advantages of learning outside a classroom. Deciding on how to educate your children may be one of the most important choices you make as a parent. In New York, for example, parents must submit paperwork to the school district — but only for children within the age of compulsory education. Disadvantages of homeschooling: As much as I love homeschooling, there may be some families that homeschooling won’t work for. Pros and Cons of Homeschooling, Public Schooling, New Curriculum . Home school students watched much less television than students nationwide; 65% of home school students watch one hour or less per day compared to 25% nationally. Unfortunately, when it comes to homeschooling, there are very few reliable studies and statistics available. Statistics showed that homeschoolers achieved better both when they reach college and even professionally. They consider the effects of homeschooling and the factors such as the student’s personality, style of learning, availability, etc., while finalizing this. When arguing the pros and cons of any issue, it's usually helpful to have agreed-upon facts on hand. We will discuss the homeschooling pros and cons everyone knows. Many debate homeschooling pros and cons to see which way to go. The HSLDA's study of 1,657 homeschooling families notes that homeschooled students want to attend college: 69% of respondents pursued a college education. Here are a few of the reasons you should take any facts and figures you see regarding homeschooling — good or bad — with a grain of salt. Here are some links to research on homeschooling, from a variety of sources. What Have We Learned About Homeschooling? As I was wrapping up this post and making sure I covered all my bases, I decided to go to my hubby, Jonathan, to ask him what he thought the pros and cons were of homeschooling. One of the major issues the homeschooling pros and cons statistics are focused on is socialisation and the amount of time spent indoors. Many debate homeschooling pros and cons to see which way to go. Pros: #1: Greater Flexibility in Curriculum. Likewise, it seems reasonable to expect that studies by groups in favor of or opposed to homeschooling will reflect those biases. By Helen Dawson. Their fear was that homeschooling would come to be defined by the measures looked at in the studies. The Chronicle of Higher Education recently reported a boom in homeschooled students' winning admission to selective colleges. Every year more and more families choose to homeschool. Are homeschoolers achieving at a better level than their public school peers? Overall, there are pros and cons to any educational decision we make for kids and teens. That question mark shouldn’t be that big: if you’re serious about educating your children, homeschooling is by far the best option. Although there are some stereotypes involved with homeschooling, it is just as diverse as the public school population. One of the best things about homeschooling (on the homeschooling pros and cons list) is that you get to control your child’s learning. Along with the issues raised by the Kasemans, many homeschooling families don't take part in studies to preserve their privacy. Teachers' groups like the National Education Association on the other hand, often release statements criticizing homeschooling simply on the basis that it does not require parents to be licensed teachers. According to the Kasemans, interviewing individual homeschooling families to hear what they have to say about their educational styles is a more effective and accurate way to provide data on what homeschooling is really like. And each state's laws on the matter are different. These…Continue reading → These two topics will be contrasted by explaining which topic would be the better option for specific groups of people, and certain families. In some states, parents are free to homeschool without even contacting the local school district. Do you know the statistics on each of these families? The most comprehensive homeschool academic study ever completed is contained in the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) Progress Report for 2009.. While this form of education was the only one when no institutions existed yet, it became more popular in the 1980s. Homeschooling: Pros, Cons, and Facts. The pros and cons of homeschooling. Homeschooling is an emergent form of learning slowly replacing overcrowded classrooms in South Africa and other parts of the world. Pros and Cons of Homeschooling for School Students Disrupted by COVID-19 (Coronavirus) by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. (Revised September 28, 2020) A news article headline in March of 2020 stated, “‘Unparalleled Disruption’: 290 Million Students Around the World Face Weeks at Home” in China, Japan, Iran, Italy, Iraq, North Korea, Azerbaijan, United Arab Emirates, and Lebanon. Are there good homeschool statistics to support some of these answers? Would you consider all these children homeschoolers? The most significant of the homeschooling cons must be that one parent can’t work or must work from home. As I was wrapping up this post and making sure I covered all my bases, I decided to go to my hubby, Jonathan, to ask him what he thought the pros and cons were of homeschooling. The median scores for every subtest at every grade were typically in the 70th to 80th percentile... above those of public school students. Their social, emotional, and physical well-being need to be taken into account, as does the quality of their education, and their unique learning style. These are legitimate questions that come up when I talk about homeschooling. Now that we’ve covered a few of the advantages for homeschooling (there are many more, but this is a … Did you know that in 2003, 2.2 percent of all student - about 1,096,000 - were homeschooled, up from 1.7 percent of students (850,000) in 1999? A child who homeschooled some years but not others. For instance, a question about how many hours are spent teaching implies that parents should be sitting down with their kids doing desk work, and ignores the fact that a lot of learning happens in the course of everyday activities. This is obliviously something I didn’t realize when we first started. If your child has a particular interest, you can spend time developing it. Did you know that in 2003, 2.2 percent of all student - about 1,096,000 - were homeschooled, up from 1.7 percent of students (850,000) in 1999? Homeschooling Pros and Cons. Of course. But since different studies use different definitions of homeschooling, it's hard to know if studies are actually looking at the same group of kids. But even in states where homeschooling is closely regulated, good numbers are hard to come by. In the magazine U.S. News, Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, wrote. People criticize parents for living outside the norm. google_ad_client="pub-3432805847074417";google_ad_slot="6720703337";google_ad_width=250;google_ad_height=250;>>. This is crucial to the success of your child’s education. While homeschooling statistics and public school statistics can help you to make an informed decision, every child is different. In any case, before making any decision, it is advisable to analyze the pros and cons: here they are! The HSLDA's study of 1,657 homeschooling families notes that homeschooled students want to attend college: 69% of respondents pursued a college education. For many people, the issue of homeschool vs public school is tricky to rectify. Unfortunately, when it comes to homeschooling, there are very few reliable studies and statistics available. That question mark shouldn’t be that big: if you’re serious about educating your children, homeschooling is by far the best option. Below the age of six, or after age 16, the state stops keeping count. Read on to help answer these questions! The National Home Education Research Institute, which supports homeschooling, puts the number of home-schooled students above the Department of Education's estimates, at just over 2 million. It is obvious that children studying in a class of 20+ students will develop some significant differences from those being taught at home. They argued that researchers could use their school-based biases to misrepresent the way that homeschooling works. I wanted to make sure I hadn’t missed anything. A child who spends part of the week in public school classes. Flexibility: This is one of the main reasons why parents choose to homeschool. You will find Christians, atheists, liberals, conservatives, families in poverty, and households with enormous wealth all looking at the pros and cons of public schools compared to homeschooling. In fact, only 3 percent of the population in school age chose to be homeschooled in the years 2011-2012. So it's fair to question whether HSLDA's studies represent only its constituents and not homeschoolers from other walks of life. For instance, a report from the National Center for Education Studies, part of the U.S. Department of Education, includes students who spend up to 25 hours a week — five hours a day — attending classes in a public or private school. Return from Homeschool Statistics to Pros and Cons of Homeschooling, Return from Homeschool Statistics to Homeschooling Statistics, Return from Homeschool Statistics to Pros and Cons of Homeschooling. . Social, Emotional, and Psychological Development (Socialization) Research facts on homeschooling show that the home-educated are doing well, typically above average, on measures of social, emotional, and psychological development. The least discussed but very blatant con of the 8 pros and cons of homeschooling is criticism from others. Homeschooling is a little bit like marmite , it’s not for everyone, it either works for you or it doesn’t. However, as with any educational environment, there are both pros and cons to consider when deciding if homeschooling is the best educational option for your child. From 1999 to 2007, the number of homeschooled students in the United States increased, as did the homeschooling rate. In every subject and at every grade level of the ITBS and TAP batteries, home school students scored significantly higher than their public and private school counterparts. Only a few parents dare to take this challenge and teach their children at home. Homeschooling Vs Public Schooling Statistics It is an extremely important decision for the parents to choose the mode of education for their children. There will be multiple topics discussed in this essay, such as pros and cons of homeschooling and public schooling, and which option would be the best option for certain types of families and students. If you are still on the fence in homeschooling your child, knowing the pros and cons of homeschooling is important in order to make an educated and informed decision to make. Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges. The pros won me over, but since then, I've discovered there were many more pros and cons that I couldn't possibly have anticipated! See more ideas about homeschool, homeschooling statistics, home schooling. Scientific research has shown that home schooled children are 77% more likely to complete a four-year college degree with honors than children who are educated in a more traditional fashion. The concept of homeschooling is a simple one. Knowing the homeschooling pros and cons that come with teaching your children at home can assist you in making an informed decision on if home schooling is really right for your family. Homeschooling Pros and Cons Homeschooling may be regarded by some as an innovative or a ‘hippy’ form of education, but in truth, it is one of the world’s oldest forms of education. 23 of 572 freshmen at Wheaton College in Illinois were homeschooled, and their SAT scores average 58 points higher than those of the overall class. This is crucial to the success of your child’s education. Many people still believe that choosing home schooling is outdated. By Helen Dawson. Part 1. Homeschooling is the process by which a child is educated at home without attending educational institutions. Parents fight against growing controversy and negativityto families that homeschool. One of the most popular reasons for opting out of traditional schooling is the greater flexibility and choice in the curriculum that your child is taught. Homeschooling Advantage, a information e-zine on Pros and Cons of Homeschooling! At the time I had no idea what I was doing! Furthermore, in this article, we will look into homeschooling pros and cons statistics to know which is better and also see the reason people … Statistics showed that homeschoolers achieved better both when they reach college and even professionally. But could a medical doctor teach her children anatomy? This is a pretty small number, but the fact that it increases every year means that people begin to see the actual pros of this system.. So it's impossible to know from state records how many families choose to homeschool kindergarten, or how many teens go on from homeschooling to college. Because home education allows each student to progress at his or her own rate, almost one in four home school students (24.5%) are enrolled one or more grades above age level. "The government has eliminated God from the classroom and too often replaced Him with an anti-life, anti-family curriculum that misses life's deepest meaning.". <>, Return from Homeschool Statistics to Homeschooling Statistics In a home where the parents go to work and kids go to school, there is hardly time to spend together. In other states, parents must send a Letter of Intent to homeschool and submit regular paperwork, which can include the scores of standardized tests. An increasing number of parents are weighing the pros and cons of home schooling for their kids and considering a permanent change to what learning looks like for them. Learning at home can bring a lot of freedom and flexibility, but there is a lot more to successfully home schooling than one might think. Learn about the 8 Pros and Cons of Homeschooling before you make the jump! Homeschooling statistics, are they important? Pros and Cons of Homeschooling . Even something as basic as how many children are being homeschooled in a given year can only be guessed at. Many parents feel that the current national curriculum offered in state schools is … Kathy Ceceri is a writer, educator, and homeschooling advocate with over 20 years of experience and numerous published books focusing on the importance of STEAM education. However, we will also touch on the homeschooling vs. public school debate. Why do families decide to homeschool? Home Schooling in the United States: Trends and Characteristics, B.A., English Literature, McGill University. First, we will address the benefits of homeschooling. Home school students do exceptionally well when compared with the nationwide average. The system continues to gain popularity even as the digitization dream takes shape in different aspects of life. If we take a look at the homeschooling pros and cons i.e the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling, we will find out that homeschool can benefit you and also cost you something. At the time of writing, the homeschooling statistics are as follows: Most home school mothers (77%) did not work outside the home. Here are the most important things you need to know when making this important decision with your family. School violence has increased at an alarming rate. Even though some states require that homeschoolers use a specific curriculum, the parent (and the child) still gets to decide when and how the topics are learned. Of home school mothers ( 77 % ) did not work outside home... Any case, before making any decision, every child is different is not fan. Whether hslda 's studies represent only its constituents and not homeschoolers from other walks of life will. Homeschooling families do n't take part in studies to preserve their privacy t realize when we first homeschooling! 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