Kentucky bluegrass, orchardgrass and timothy are all examples of common grasses used for hay. Legumes are higher in protein, energy, calcium, and vitamin A than grass hay. The benefits of feeding a legume, like alfalfa, but keeping the balance in your horse’s nutrition and energy levels by also feeding them a grass hay. “My favorite part about managing Arroyo Del Mar is caring for our horses. Sign up for our monthly enewsletter for exclusive educational articles on equine digestive health and management, the latest updates from the SUCCEED blog, and news and special promotions. However, bales vary greatly by weight. This bacteria “fixes” the nitrogen from the atmosphere into ammonia, then into ammonium which the plant can then use to make protein. Timmy Dutta’s Polo Horses Use SUCCEED—Find Out Why! Many of you will wonder, what type of hay is best for horses? Third Cut Hay. The drug causes several side effects, including lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea. The longer the seed head, the lower the nutrient value; and the more coarse and stemmy the hay. While many owners use color in determining hay quality, forage analysis provides an objective report of hay quality. And with each career milestone, Liz has always prioritized how her horses feel […], This experience has been a huge learning curve for us, as we discovered many things affect Cloudy’s digestive health. © 2020. What is your best kind of hay is first grown locally, is affordable, is put up right, is appropriate for the classes of horses it is being fed to, keeps your horses in good condition and your horses eat it … Most good hay growers do their own analysis. And for Veronica, […], SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Program is a nutritional approach to managing the horse’s digestive health, including the stomach and the hindgut. Keep in mind that even though some of these hays may sound better in their description, ultimately the best hay for your horse is the one they will eat. Bermuda is typically the cheapest grass hay you can purchase for a horse. There are many types of hay that you can feed to horses. Hay. Once seed pods form they extend away from the stalk and look like a bird’s foot (hence the name). Local availability will ultimately dictate what you feed, but knowing your way around the different types of grasses and legumes will help you grow or purchase the best option for the horses in your care. Once you've determined the best category of hay for your horse, most people select hay based on how it looks, smells and feels. The international high-goal polo player […], International Para-Dressage rider Nicky Greenhill was born with a deteriorating eye condition called Stargardt disease, but it hasn’t ever stopped her. It is highly palatable. Breeding Horses – The responsibility of providing the best start for a young horse must start with the health of the mare even before she is pregnant by feeding according to a ‘forage focused’™ approach. This process does not occur in grasses, which is why they are typically much lower in protein than legumes. It contains lower levels of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals than legume hay. You don’t want a damp or musty smell, Bales should be consistent in weight (too heavy indicates mold or too much moisture, while too light can indicate over drying or lack of nutrients for your horse). Horses and ponies in their natural environment are grazing animals - they spend many hours a day eating grass. Good quality hay will contain a greater quantity of nutrients. Top 7 Best Treatment for Cushings in Horses. Hay generally falls into one of two categories – grasses or legumes. The higher percent of calcium in legume hay can present a problem with the calcium/phosphorus balance. It makes an excellent stand of hay. Different types of hay for horses can vary in nutritional value, taste or texture. The increased concentration of protein in legume hay can greatly increase the energy for a horse eating it. I might buy a bale of hay for $18 that weighs 125 pounds. Orchard hay is another common type of grass hay – it usually has a thicker blade than timothy hay but can be softer in texture. Mitotane is quite old, and most veterinarians don’t prescribe it anymore. Your primary goal in selecting hay for your horse should be meeting his specific energy needs. Clover hay can provide energy, protein and fiber, however, if clover molds, it can cause slobbers and bleeding in horses who eat the molded hay. When buying hay, it is important to get is as green as possible and also free of mold, which causes colic, and dust, which causes respiratory problems. However, grass hay is very high in fiber. Meet International Para-Dressage Rider Nicky Greenhill, A Letter From the Head Groom to HRH The Princess Royal, Veronica Deans’ Reining Horses on SUCCEED. High-quality hay should be green and sweet smelling, with no traces of mold or excess dust. This is great hay for adult maintenance. What type of hay do you feed your horses? Protein, Fat, Moisture and Fiber can vary greatly from field to field so the best way to know what is in your hay is to do a hay analysis. Respiratory or digestive disturbances associated with feeding hay are more likely … They are Trilostane (Vetoryl) and Mitotane (Lysodren). When horses are stabled, or grazing is limited, they need a substitute for the grass they would have naturally eaten. Return to our list of hay types for more details. Adding some alfalfa is beneficial for pregnant, lactating and growing horses which have very high protein and calcium needs. Most commonly, clover is mixed with other grasses. The two main types of hay for horses are grass hay and legume hay. Legumes are different than grasses because they have a relationship between rhizobia, which is a bacteria, and nitrogen in their roots. This class of carbohydrates includes starch, water-soluble sugar, and fructan. Most horses will let you know they don’t like a certain type of hay by leaving it behind when they’re fed. Hay should be green. Unless your horse lives in a climate where the pastures are always pristine and never have to be closed for inclement weather, you probably feed your horse hay. harvested when the seed heads are covered in “velvet” for maximum nutrient levels. There are quite a few different types of hay that people feed to horses, but hay generally falls into one of two categories – legumes and grasses. Use your good judgment when purchasing hay for horses. Feeding a legume/grass mix can be the best of both worlds. Before being cut, rye grass has a bunch-like form with shorter height and multiple spikes of grass growing from the base of the plant. For horses, grass hay or a legume/grass hay mix is the best choice. Horses eat grass, legume, or mixed grass and legume hay. You need to consider a variety of factors when evaluating your horse’s needs, such as breed, body type and weight, age, metabolism and workload. The following is a list of types of grass hay for horses. That may seem like a benefit, but feeding less hay isn’t necessarily a good option, as a bored horse looking for more roughage may instead turn to chewing on other objects, such as fences, stalls, trees or other horses’ manes and tails. It works the same in horses. This forage grows to 2-3 feet tall, and is easiest to grow when mixed with grasses. The first priority in choosing hay is to evaluate it for quality. The resulting oat hay is high in protein and other nutrients, making it a nutritious option for horse hay. Ponies need only the fraction of the feed that horses do. Alfalfa or alfalfa/grass hay often are considered the premier hay choices for working and competitive horses. Good quality hay contains 12%–20% crude protein; grasses are at the lower end of this range, legumes and annual forage at the upper. To get hay from oats, oat grass is cut between the milk and soft dough stages of the oat cycle. Signs of wheezing, sneezing and coughing are indications that your horse is having an allergic reaction to airborne dust or mold. It should be noted that it can be harmful to pregnant mares due to an endophyte fungal infection of the grass. Hay for ponies should be good quality grass hay. Alfalfa is easy to digest & high in protein, energy, vitamins & minerals. Timothy hay (Timothy grass) is a foraging grass that grows well in cool climates. Rye grass is gaining popularity as a forage for horses as it is quick to establish and grow and provides good nutrition. Above all others, two FDA approved drugs for treating Cushings in animals are very popular. Help maintain your horse’s optimal digestive health and get the most nutrition available from hay with SUCCEED. Alfalfa is classified as a legume. She is getting no grain, and she has never developed laminitis, inflammation of the soft connective tissues within the foot that can result from a variety of … Second cut hay is the hay most people feed their horses. Yet customers rarely ask for the analysis.” Match hay to horses with special needs. Crested Dog’s Tail This is a very common grass especially in dry areas and is great for horses. + Free Printable Barn Chores Checklist ». Fescue grass grows relatively tall, with broader blades than timothy hay. This is the standard go-to hay for adults horses and should smell good even to us humans. Fescue hay has a palatable texture than other grasses, and can be low in sugar. But bermuda grass provides a good source of forage for horses. The second cut has slightly higher fat and protein contents and is lower in fibre. Timothy - is a perennial and very palatable to horses. Typically timothy grass has a finer texture than other grasses. A mixed bale (or feeding a flake from each type of bale) provides medium energy and protein counts, adds relatively high (compared with solely grass hay) calcium, and a more appropriate calcium-to-phosphorus ratio than straight alfalfa. Rely on forage tests before and after soaking to decide which type of hay is best for your horse especially with a horse that has laminitis, PSSM, HYPP or COPD. Young foals and mares in the first three months of lactation can benefit by the best legume hay available. Learn More. Color can vary based on grass type and exposure to sunlight. There are more leaves on the stems than the first cut; the stems are also thinner. The best crops of Timothy hay are those that are cut prior to full bloom, as protein levels fall off as the plant matures. Birdsfoot trefoil is more resistant to negative soil conditions as well as moisture fluctuations. We just need a little more information. And sure — it’d be nice to have access to green pastures year-round, but feeding your horse hay is nearly as good (and sometimes better) than feeding grass. Alfalfa hay, sometimes called lucerne hay, is the most popular legume hay fed to horses in the U.S., while timothy and orchard are popular grass hay choices. This typically indicates that it has a good flavor. Each bag will cover one acre with quality grazing grass seed. Some of us will feed varieties of hay that others have never heard of and the horses do great on it. All content is for informational purposes only. Timothy hay is a common favorite among horses and owners. Although the most popular legume used among horse owners is alfalfa, other legumes such as red or crimson clover, lespedeza, birdsfoot trefoil, and peanut hay are often fed, and … Your email address will not be published. It could just be a coincidence between colic symptoms and feeding dry forage though. Once you know the kind of quality he produces, it makes things much easier.” Smith said, “Look at the hay and do the quality analysis. Your pony probably won't need the nutrition provided by alfalfa and clovers. It is lower in protein than some other grasses, so you must ensure a horse is getting enough protein in their diet if this is their only forage. Hay and pasture should be tested for this fungal infection to prevent any problems for your horse. For the best mix of hay for your horse, consult a veterinarian specializing in nutrition, or an equine nutritionist — and be sure to have your hay tested [link to pt. Since a mature horse will eat 2 to 2.5 percent of its body weight — the majority of which should be fed as roughage — it’s critical to know what you’re feeding. Light brown hay can indicate that the hay sat too long in the sun drying. Alfalfa hay is one of the most common hays available in the US, making it a popular choice for forage for horses. For the average pleasure horse, a high-quality grass hay is ideal. Hay purchased at the feed store is generally sold by the bale. The flower blooms are small, bright yellow, and form in clusters at the end of the stems. 3] so you know exactly what you’re feeding. Brome grass is a common hay around Colorado, but in talking with horse friends from the west coast, they’ve never seen brome for sale. *When in doubt about what hay is best for your horse, consult your vet or an equine nutritionist to determine the best hay for your horse* The two main types of hay for horses are grass hay and legume hay. Scroll down for more information and products you might wish to select. High-quality hay can provide most of the nutrients needed for a mature horse. Horses readily consume good hay, which is rich in energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins. If you really want to know what is in your hay, have it tested! This higher content of protein and calcium can come with problems. Feeding an early-maturity hay will satisfy a horse’s nutrient requirements quickly, but you’ll need to feed less of it. There are many different types of hay for horses that are under these two categories. But much like the difference between a limp piece of iceberg lettuce and a vitamin- and nutrient-rich leaf of kale, hay’s nutritional value varies greatly depending on what you’re feeding. You may find that the quality of hay available at your local feed store changes during the seasons. However, because of its high palatability, intake must be restricted to keep horses from overeating and becoming colicky. Most horses tolerate more than 20% NSC without adverse effects, and most grass hays, especially those from the Eastern states, contain only 7-18% NSC, with an average of … Bermuda grass grows well in a variety of conditions so it is a common hay for horses. The hay should be cut early and be leafy, green, and free of mold, dust, and foreign matter, such as weeds and stubble. Horses being maintained, mares in the first two-thirds of gestation, and mature horses working at light or moderate levels can do nicely on immature grass hay. Brome is closer in appearance to orchard than timothy, in appearance. SUCCEED Patents. It is very palatable and desirable and grows well in poor fertility soils. You perhaps have heard about the calcium/phosphorus gradient in the human body. Please fill out the rest of the form below. It’s convenient to feed, helps your horse maintain a healthier digestive system, and can help keep him happy and occupied if he does have to be stall-bound. Hay analysis can tell you what a hay does and does not have and whether or not you need to be supplementing with something that is missing from your horse’s diet. Horses that suffer an allergy to hay can be allergic to either the hay dust or to the mold that can grow in the hay. There are many different types of hay for horses that are under … “Horses are able to utilize more of this type of hay than any other,” said Chris Johnson, owner of Eastern Hay Company in Pawling, New York. Q: What is the best quality hay for horses? Beet pulp or beet-pulp-based processed feeds are a good choice because beet pulp is well tolerated by horses with sensitive digestive tracts, is well digested and itself helps to encourage healthy populations of organisms in the large bowel. Legume hay is more easily digested than grass hay, which can be a good or bad thing depending on the horse. Many horse owners may decide that a mix of legume and grass hay is the appropriate choice for their horse. Timothy, Orchard, or Coastal are all great options. This hay is sometimes referred to as coastal hay and is a shorter plant with fine blades of grass. Therefore, the second cut of hay is usually higher “quality” than the first cut. Required fields are marked *, Thank you for visiting The Economical Equestrian!  My name is Catherine, and I am here to help all equestrians live better with their horses as well as learn to be financially savvy.  Being comfortable with your finances is important for everyone, but especially when you have such an expensive habit.  Stay a while and then get out there and ride! Benefits: Grass hay is lower in protein and energy than legume hay — but it’s also higher in fiber, which can make it a good choice for many horses. If a horse has a heavy workload, or needs more energy and caloric intake, legume hay can be a good fit. This is a tall grass that grows well in cool conditions and varies in color from light green, to dark green, to blueish-green. Hay is the next best thing to grass, and it is almost always part of a domestic horse's diet. Different types of hay for horses can vary in nutritional value, taste or texture. Choose the best you can. There are many different types of grass hay available, although the types of grass available will vary based on your geographic location. It … When in doubt, be sure to discuss feeding this hay with your vet. A high quality cereal grain hay, like oat hay, is preferable to a poor quality alfalfa. No matter which type of hay you choose, some characteristics should be consistent when looking for high quality hay for horses. The second cut of hay can usually happen closer to when the grass reaches the right level of maturity. But research has dispelled this notion. Alfalfa Hay. The answer is the hay that meets their nutritional requirements, makes them feel good, and tastes good. The vast majority of horses will thrive on a high quality grass hay. Your horse is in good body condition; she is doing well on the grass/alfalfa-mix hay you are currently feeding. If you feed some or all legume hay, be mindful of this relationship and balance your horse by feeding some grass hay or using supplemental phosphorus if necessary. Kentucky bluegrass, orchardgrass and timothy are all examples of common grasses used for hay. There are many types of hay that you can feed to horses. Note that the following descriptions are generalizations. Normal horses can tolerate NSC levels of 20% or higher. While hay alone may not meet the total dietary requirements of young, growing horses or those used for high levels of performance, high-quality hay may supply ample nutrition for less active adult horses. Oftentimes, the hay that a horse enjoys the most is the one they are most accustomed to. There's also little to no dust with the cubes, which is a big plus with my horses. A huge diet overhaul, careful management, and pairing him with the perfect “friend” has meant we […], Canadian native Veronica Deans is an NRHA Non Pro reiner and ranch owner in northern Texas. Alfalfa is also a good winter feed because heat is created by digestion of protein, so a horse can keep warmer on a cold night. Learn More, SUCCEED Veterinary Formula, available only from veterinarians, is an advanced version of SUCCEED and comes backed by the SUCCEED Healthy Gut Commitment. Alfalfa is the most common legume hay for horses. Feeding a mid- to late-maturity hay will provide fewer nutrients, which might be desirable for easy keepers. Pick a hay your horse likes to eat. Alfalfa typically has a thicker stem and lots of leaves. It’s perennial, so grows repeatedly year on year. 🙂, « The Most Comfortable Cowboy Boots That You Can Wear All Day, What Barn Chores Do You Need To Do Every Day? There are some loose correlations between bermuda grass hay and colic. These fodders, which are more energy and nutrient dense than many grass hay, are often too rich for a pony. Daniel Day / Getty Images When good pasture grass is not available, hay is the single most important source of nutrition for your horse, pony, donkey or mule. Your email address will not be published. Typically, orchard grass is lower in protein than timothy, but it is a favorite amongst horses and owners. (So that means most of us.) Alfalfa can also be used to boost those nutrients if grass hay quality is poor. Nicky holds numerous national and international titles, including her recent silver medal at the […], Grand Prix dressage rider Liz Austin is a two-time national champion who’s had her feet in the stirrups for quite some time. Alfalfa, white clover, red clover and birdsfoot trefoil are common types of legumes, with alfalfa being the most popular choice. To sunlight horses are grass hay is high in protein, vitamins and minerals than hay. The oat cycle, bright yellow, and most veterinarians don ’ t eat it because its... 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