Good alfalfa hay for horses should be leafy, with minimum stems and bright green in color. It can cause a lot of digestive and inflammatory issues if they can’t digest it efficiently. Energy dense forage sources such as Alfalfa pellets, cubes of chopped forage are ideal to increase the calorie content of the diet. Alfalfa or alfalfa-grass cubes are a good option if your trail horse requires supplemental feeding. However, a better description of senior is when a horse becomes a “Nutritional Senior.” A nutritionally If you are feeding only Alfalfa cubes then 1.5 to 2% of body weight is enough. Are alfalfa (lucerne)/grass cubes acceptable for horses? pecking order imposed by other horses, or pain. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Exposure of horses to intestinal parasites causes scarring of the digestive tract. Horses begin the digestive process in the mouth by reducing the physical My vet just left after treating my horse for serious colic. In general, feed hay twice a day; limit alfalfa to one-half of your roughage; and feed grain according to body condition and use of the horse. Here you can see the change in 8 months. But in fact, it varies by the content being used in it, for example, Bermudagrass flakes may weigh between 4-5lbs but the alfalfa hay flakes weigh up to 6lbs(even though they appear thinner). go with how much you think you should feed her. She is a 20 year old mare and even though I have her teeth checked every six months and have them floated as needed she still drops a lot of her feed, She doesn't have any trouble chewing hay or grass though. Why should you never feed Alfalfa Cubes the horse by volume? Adding Alfalfa Cubes to Your Horse’s Diet Start by replacing 1/4 of your horse’s old feed with alfalfa … Some will hold their weight easily and may actually become too heavy since they are not exercised Soaking the forage is a good idea for any horse with a history of choke, whether feeding cubes or loose hay. Horses can not go on a new diet in a day they take time to accept the change. Facts to Reveal Truth, 157+ Racehorse Names – Famous & Funny Ideas. Nutritionally senior horses typically Can you feed a horse too much hay? Since you don’t need to limit most baled hay, there is not really a limit to how much pellets and cubes you can feed. Bales– the typical horse owner feeds Alfalfa in ~50 pound square bales. We feed all four of our horses alfalfa cubes. As per a general assumption, one alfalfa cube is equal to one hay flake(even if it appears huge). … but over a lifetime this damage still occurs. To further compound digestion problems, the horse’s digestive tract begins to lose efficiency which decreases nutrient absorption. Usually that weight measurement is used when determining how much hay to throw, but in fact it goes for all of your horse’s feed combined. Key Features. Adequate fiber intake is vital for a healthy digestive tract in all horses. Changing and coat, decrease in coat and hoof quality, reduced fat deposits above the eyes, and dental problems. Made from locally grown premium alfalfa and timothy hay. an old horse changes the herd dynamics and sends the old horse to the bottom of the pecking order. Research conducted in Alberta, Canada noted that the voluntary feed intake of mature horses was 20% greater with alfalfa cubes than with alfalfa hay. A horse needs a fairly small amount of protein per day. It is recommended to feed the horse by the pound than volume not just in the case of alfalfa cubes and flakes but in general. to be approaching their senior years. In all scenarios, in winter months horses should be given at least 1.5 to 3% of their body weight in some form of forage; it could be in the form of long stem hay, chopped hays, forage based cubes, or combinations thereof. on the ground. How Many Alfalfa Cubes Equal a Flake? With the alfalfa, the forage is coarsely chopped and then mechanically compressed into a 1.25 by 2-inch cube. Coming to the point, how many alfalfa cubes equal a flake? Try putting your alfalfa bale on an empty feed bag before you open the bale, and feed the small pieces that fall out in the feed trough or bucket. of hay per day. I started feeding the alfalfa cubes as a supplement and I do soak them. If feeding as a supplement to hay, feed 4 to 6 lbs. Advantages of alfalfa cubes are reduced feed wastage, consistent nutrient quality, ease of handling, and allowing horse owners to regulate feed intake and reduce potential exposure to dust and mold. They need to be soaked in water for 15 minutes only, are very palatable, and won't make your horse high like the alfalfa can. Horses can normally eat 1.5-2% of their body weight in hay, which equates to 18-24 lbs. It depends on a regular diet or feeding only Alfalfa. Another fiber supplement is beet pulp, which contains … We have used hay cubes as the sole source of fiber in several research studies at Rutgers with good results, feeding up to 12 to 15 lbs of cubes per horse per day. This need can be met by supplying Alfalfa as half of a horse’s roughage. For the horse who might have some respiratory sensitivities, fines can be mixed into a meal or wet down slightly, but, in general, the particles are much too large to actually be inhaled into the lungs. We hope you found our article on how many alfalfa cubes equal a flake really helpful. Alfalfa has lower indigestible fiber than grass hays. Feeding the Hindgut Ulcer Horse: It is important during the healing and recovery period that the hindgut is allowed to “rest”. There is a reason alfalfa is still used for feeding to horses today and that’s because it is safe and nutritious. As you know, baled hay is fed in flakes that vary in size and weight. Can only be determined by weighing it at the time of feeding as the weight of flake can vary by the type of grass being used in it. Through good care and optimal nutrition, we can improve the Energy dense forage sources such as Alfalfa pellets, cubes of chopped forage are ideal to increase the calorie content of the diet. Individual grass and alfalfa hays will vary significantly; therefore it is always best to have your hay analyzed. When shopping for alfalfa cube for sale and deciding how much to buy, remember that you’ll need to feed by weight. Some common physical signs of aging that require nutrition management are loss of weight, decrease in body condition, loss of muscle tone It largely depends on the weight of alfalfa cubes. Why Alfalfa Hay Cubes? senior horse is one that can no longer eat its normal diet and maintain proper body condition. Timothy instead of Alfalfa to reduce the calorie content of the diet. We give each of them about two handfuls (both hands cupped together x2). The quality of the hay will determine how much is needed and if supplemental grain should be added. also be a result of the senior horse’s inability to chew and take in adequate amounts of fiber. Substitute soaked hay cubes (timothy/alfalfa) for hay flakes, therefor providing the much needed fiber in an easy-to-digest form. Horses that are fed alfalfa cubes tend to eat all the cubes provided, whereas horses fed long-stem alfalfa hay will sort through the hay and not eat the hay offered. You should never feed the horse by volume: It is recommended to feed the horse by pounds. I would not feed more than one flake a day and then wait to see how he handles it. have one or more of the following conditions: decreased nutrient absorption, dental problems, increased sensitivity to stress. Horses love it! If good quality baled Alfalfa isn’t available, substitute Alfalfa pellets or cubes. such as arthritis and navicular syndrome. Made from premium freshly chopped alfalfa. Flakes are a thin, easy to separate rectangular portion of a horse bale. Additionally, if you are adding grain or hay then add 1.5 to 2% of total body weight including other diets. Improved internal parasite control, better nutrition, advances in veterinary care, Old horses Proper protein intake is particularly important in senior horses. Generally, alfalfa cubes are about 5lbs heavy so one alfalfa cube is equal to the 5lbs flake(the default size of a flake is 5lbs). Alfalfa cubes are great for helping a horse gain or maintain weight. For my horses, I feed grass hay (1 1/2-2% of their body weight per day), alfalfa at 10% of their body weight per day, pasture and an herbal mineral supplement to make up for the nutritional deficiencies in the hay. Older horses that don’t chew thoroughly, aren’t producing a normal amount of saliva, or have swallowing problems or abnormal motility in their esophagus could have problems with cubes but would also have problems with loose hay. Answer. It is important, however, for horse owners to control the feed intake of their horses when using alfalfa cubes as the forage source. So, if one gets fascinated by the size of a flake he would feed more alfalfa cubes as they are not as big as flakes. Choose forage sources such as And although alfalfa cubes make for an easy feed, allowing you to monitor the amount consumed…if you’re not careful, cube intake could be more than the permissible limit. We advise that animals be fed by weight and not by volume. Feeding a horse for weight gain isn't necessarily difficult. According to research availability of nutrients and energy is the same as in hay cubes. If you pack in all of your feed, then I suggest alfalfa-grass mix cubes. It is the fermentation of fiber in Horses begin the digestive process in the mouth by reducing the physical size of feed to a suitable size for proper digestion. You are not alone! A number of underlying issues can cause weight loss in a horse, and to help him regain pounds, you need to understand what’s going wrong. One disadvantage of feeding only forage cubes is the lack of long-stem fiber, which may lead to the horse seeking other sources of fiber to satisfy this need. Free-choice hay is best. reasons exist including improved internal parasite control, better nutrition, advances in veterinary care, and less strenuous work. Senior horses are also sensitive to changes in their surroundings. Why are horses living so long? You may feed less total forages if processed hays are a portion of the daily ration however, horses consume less water with processed hay. The default weight of alfalfa cube and hay flake is around 5lbs but it can be more or less. Cubes made from a mixture of alfalfa and whole corn plants may also be available. They are not just fed to fill the tummy up but to treat several health issues as well. Old horses are particularly sensitive to changes in temperature, predominantly cold They should also have access to salt at all times and unlimited ice free water. with advancing age. If your horse tends to be wasteful with his hay, he may eat more when offered alfalfa hay cubes or pellets. Old horses will often drop or spill grain from their mouths, or they wad up hay or grass into partially chewed balls and drop them down muscle tissue to provide essential protein for other body functions. Good quality and mold-free hay is a basic feeding requirement of the horse. It is important to realize that excess protein from any source can lead to excess insulin secretion. without gaining an excessive amount of weight. As a tooth wears, an additional tooth erupts from the jawbone Over and under supplementation is a common problem that usually takes the horses to the vet so it’s important to feed the horse by pounds to maintain the same energy levels. is limited. Research studies have shown that “Nutritionally Senior” horses require additional protein, phosphorus, and certain Alfalfa cube is a highly nutritional feed option for horses. As for how much she should get, alfalfa is a high protein and high calcium forage that should be restricted to about 25% of the total forage consumed, or less if a higher protein hard feed is added. Flakes are a thin, easy to separate rectangular portion of a horse bale. The most commonly asked question we get is, “Do I need to soak my horse’s pellets or cubes… To simplify this concept, if you are feeding 10lbs hay flakes every day you have to replace it with alfalfa cubes equal to 10lbs weight. Here are six advantages of alfalfa. Store cubes off the floor and out of direct sunlight. Standlee Premium Western Forage® provides a wide variety of products to meet your horse’s particular needs. To fulfill the daily food requirements it is recommended to feed the horse by pounds. Forage products such as hay cubes, pellets and chopped forage can be used as substitute long stem forage sources. It is generally believed that hay flakes are 5lbs(and they are most of the time). Do not ever overlook the concept of measuring the flakes and cubes by the pound, take professional help if it’s mind-boggling. Fresh alfalfa hay is the best to use as a horse feed. Without proper chewing of feed, the horse will not effectively digest its feed. As horses become old their bodies naturally begin to fail. They are not just fed to fill the tummy up but to treat several health issues as well. maintenance energy requirements. How much alfalfa cubes should weigh if you are about to eliminate the hay flakes from their food? If replacing all the hay in the diet, feed 1% to 1 1/2% of body weight per day. To mitigate the danger of choking alfalfa cubes are usually fed soaked. Horses that are underweight or have lost muscle mass require higher quality proteins and often increased quantity. Alfalfa provides a significant amount of calories; however, an excess of calories in any form, whether from alfalfa, grain or oil, without the exercise to burn them, can result in an excessively energetic horse. If feeding as a supplement to hay, feed 4 to 6 lbs. So, if the horse has been fed hay flakes all his life you have to introduce alfalfa cubes gradually. which would be fed to a yearling rather than that of a mature horse. Protein requirements: Older horses in good body condition have protein requirements that are similar to those of horses at maintenance. Horses typically eat around 1.5 to 2 percent of their body weight so the alfalfa cubes should be of the same weight. I use one large plastic scoop of shreds dry, soak with water about an inch above the surface of the shreds. Can Horses Eat Sunflower Seeds? So, if you’re currently feeding 10lbs of alfalfa pellets from a bale then you should feed 10 lbs of cubes or pellets. Store cubes off the floor and out of direct sunlight. How to determine the weight? I have recently learned proprionic acid and bentonite are added to cubes. This means reducing hay, which by its nature of lignan fibers is harder to digest, puts more stress on the hind gut. Alfalfa has been cultivated for fodder for horses for over 2000 years originating from Iran and then spreading across the world as Persians, Greeks and Romans expanded their empires and took their horses and their feed with them. The answer is based on the general assumption of the alfalfa cubes and hay flakes weight. In such circumstances, dry alfalfa cubes should be weighed according to the above-mentioned conditions they should then be soaked and fed. Without proper chewing of feed, the horse will not effectively digest its feed. The accurate answer can only be found by weighing it at the time of feeding. Understanding these conditions will allow care givers to modify feeding programs to ensure proper nutrition. However, feeding from a feed bag is better than dumping feed on the ground. Heavily pregnant or lactating mares, and young rapidly growing horses, benefit from alfalfa’s high protein content. Actual Purpose of blog is to provide collection of horse names and gear reviews. [READ: Read a Feed Tag] 6 Alfalfa Pros. provide them with some exercise and allow them to maintain muscle tone and a healthy body condition. I have MSc (Hons) in Agriculture from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad. How many alfalfa cubes do you feed a horse? While alfalfa isn’t a complete, “whole” food for your horse, you don’t have to avoid it either — if you balance his diet so he’s getting everything he needs in the right amounts. Cubes can be soaked in warm water to loosen for older horses with bad teeth or for horses prone to choking. of cubes per day. As horses age their teeth wear down from chewing and grinding their feed. Alfalfa cubes are handier than hay flakes as they are much easier to measure and store. A horse should receive 1.5-2% of its body weight in forage per day – so if you are feeding that much in the hay cubes & beet pulp, then you can feed the SafeChoice Senior according to directions for a horse that is receiving adequate forage. Alfalfa hay will make a horse hot, or crazy. they're all draft crosses, but its given to them as a treat/something to give them energy/something to make sure one of our horses is getting some water in the winter since she's funny about drinking water then. Cubes can be soaked in warm water to loosen for older horses with bad teeth or for horses prone to choking. Pellets- Generally 1 pound of pellets is the equivalent of 1 pound of hay. How much alfalfa hay do you feed a 1,200 pound horse and how often? They should weigh the same and the total of both(alfalfa and flakes) needs to make up to 1.5 to 2 percent of the body weight. A horse should receive 1.5-2% of its body weight in forage per day – so if you are feeding that much in the hay cubes & beet pulp, then you can feed the SafeChoice Senior according to directions for a horse that is receiving adequate forage. Some people, though, just don’t want to feed alfalfa — they believe it causes laminitis. We have fed ALFATEC cubes to our horses and to our client horses for about 5 years now. FEEDING RECOMMENDATIONS. Timothy Alfalfa Cubes. I would (and do) feed beet pulp shreds. Scaling down for Miniatures would point to about 3.5 to 4 pounds of hay. High-quality (“dairy”) alfalfa supplies 20 to 25 percent more calories per pound than grass hays, although the difference is much smaller for more mature cuts of alfalfa. When a horse can no longer maintain condition on that, then I start replacing some of the hay with soaked hay pellets. However, if the horse has difficulty maintaining body weight then a higher caloric diet is needed. It is not uncommon to hear of individual horses that may be in their upper 20’s or early 30’s. in a constant cycle. “How many alfalfa cubes equal a flake?” I got questioned Yesterday while I was having tea with a new horse owner in my neighborhood. Feeding suggestions for different classes of horses using alfalfa cubes.1: Mature Horses at Maintenance 500 kg or 1100 lb body weight: Alfalfa Cubes Trace Mineral Salt: 17 -18 lb per horse per day Free Choice: Broodmare in the 10th Month of Gestation 500 kg or 1100 lb body weight: Alfalfa Cubes Concentrate Mix4: 15 lb per horse per day A huge benefit of feeding cubes was the ability for each horse to get a consistent amount of feed each time. horse is a condition related to diseases and disorders caused by aging, not by a specific number of years spent on this earth. Taste. Alfalfa Hay Feeding Limits – Alfalfa hay (bale, cube, or pellet) should not exceed more than 50% of the total forage consumed per day. If the hay flakes can weigh more or less than 5lbs so do the alfalfa cubes. Have you ever found yourself at a feed store looking at pellets or cubes but didn’t purchase them because you were unsure of how to feed them, so back to the messy alfalfa bale you went? In creating feeds for senior horses, the protein content of the diet is similar to that Not all older horses are hard keepers. While the loss of teeth cannot be prevented, But it would be cautious feeding that much alfalfa. Horses also have a fiber requirement and tend to get bored when roughage (hay) is limited. and mass over the top line, sway backed appearance, chronic diarrhea and dehydration, reduced mobility and agility, greying of muzzle It’s always better to measure them on the measuring scale before feeding. FEEDING INSTRUCTIONS. It depends on your horse’s protein requirements as to how much they can tolerate. Feeding Instructions : Top Of The Rockies Horse Cubes can be used effectively as the sole source of roughage for all classes of animals. This stress can come in the form of changes in temperature, changes in housing, dealing with the However, keep in mind that alfalfa hay is not appropriate for bucks, wethers, rams, or some horses. Is alfalfa hard on horses’ kidneys? If you are packing in supplemental feed, I suggest alfalfa cubes as alfalfa has an abundance of all of the valuable nutrients and you lose less feed with cubes than with pellets, particularly if feeding on the ground. with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist when changing your horse’s diet. A huge benefit of feeding cubes was the ability for each horse to get a consistent amount of feed each time. Cubes made from a mixture of alfalfa and whole corn plants may also be available. Should I feed cubes? I often recommend feeding it because it boosts the overall protein quality of a grass-hay diet and, in general, enhances the horse’s muscle tone, immune system and overall health. of cubes per day. Plus, alfalfa cubes are expensive. Energy requirements: Generally senior horses that are in good body condition are less active than their younger counterparts and only have Over 100 horses were fed hay cubes twice daily where each young person was responsible for feeding their own horse. Once again forage ©2020 Standlee Premium Products, LLC® All Rights Reserved. How to feed alfalfa cubes and hay flakes both at the same time? the horse’s hindgut that produces heat to help warm the horse. Old horses are very sensitive to stress. Enough beating about the bush, let’s help you in finding out the blue clues for today’s topic. If mold-free and good quality hay are not available you can use Alfalfa cubes as Alternative food. An average 1000 lb horse should get at least a bare minimum of 1.5% of his body weight daily from long stem fiber forage. Hi, I am Waqar and active in the horse world since 2012. Protein requirements: Older horses in good body condition have protein requirements that are similar to those of horses at maintenance. If you are feeding only Alfalfa cubes then 1.5 to 2% of body weight is enough. Feeding horses Alfalfa reduces or even eliminates the need for supplements which often have a … Should I add something to prevent colic? Table 2. Alfalfa cube is a highly nutritional feed option for horses. They provide good nutrition, are less messy than pellets, and won’t introduce weeds or invasive grasses into the natural environment like loose hay. Then, I’ll explain how your horse eats hay compared with cubes or pellets, and will outline five important reasons why hay is still the healthier option for most horses. View All Products; Dehydrated Alfalfa Pellets . 30+ year old Sherman is a true before and after example of a horse given the right feed. I love to solve equine health care issues and note down in the form of research papers. And excess consumption of alfalfa cubes may result in an overweight horse. Divide it into two to get a clear idea of how much your hay flake and alfalfa cubes should weigh. and less strenuous work are leading our horses to live longer and longer. This later advantage is important for horses with respiratory problems. This can also lead to weight loss Simply put, bales are heavy, messy, and cumbersome! It depends on a regular diet or feeding only Alfalfa. to their health. • Maximize Forage Time: Flakes of hay can vary greatly by thickness; a normal flake should be 1½ to 2 inches thick. It largely depends on how heavy your flakes are, if they are about 5lbs (I think that’s the default flake size) the feed 5lbs of flake or pellet. are often fed wet or in a “mash” or “gruel” form to minimize issues of choke associated with inability to properly chew. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the horse is meeting all of its nutritional requirements He would either be over or under supplementing without even knowing and both cases are harmful to the horse’s digestive system. As your horse is recovering from a colic episode, the most important thing is to provide high-quality forage as grass pasture, hay, cubes… Alfalfa cubes are handier than hay flakes as they are much easier to measure and store. For my horses, I feed grass hay (1 1/2-2% of their body weight per day), alfalfa at 10% of their body weight per day, pasture and an herbal mineral supplement to make up for the nutritional deficiencies in the hay. And excess consumption of alfalfa cubes may result in an overweight horse. It’s recommended that you feed your performance horse a small flake of alfalfa hay 30 to 60 minutes before you ride to minimize the negative effects of acid splash.) Pellets – if soaked well beforehand, they turn mushier, making them easier to consume. (Side note: because alfalfa hay is high in calcium, it is more effective at buffering acids than other types of hay. This leaves their owners with the responsibility of providing proper care Muscle wasting is common in aged horses that are not getting These horses must rely on alternate sources of pasture and hay as their ability to chew Allowing ample turnout time for horses that are not in a routine riding program will Let’s look at the pros and cons of alfalfa. If you would not feed alfalfa hay to an animal, then you should not feed alfalfa … A geriatric Several potential the proper amounts of protein in the diet. Feed at least one-third to one-half of a flake of a good quality grass or alfalfa grass mixed hay twice a day. I hope these points have cleared most of your doubts. ... You can add alfalfa pellets or cubes to a grass hay diet for the same effect. Sensitivity to cold may result from decreased fat cover that acts as insulation to the cold. So to fulfill the daily food and nutritional requirement. This comes from pasture grasses and legumes, or hay made from … Our products offer a variety of animals a feed that is non-GMO, low in sugars and starches, packed with all natural nutrients, and consistently of premium quality. When your horse is too thin, whether it’s a short-term aberration or a chronic struggle, careful feeding can keep his weight up. Kentucky Equine Research (KER) recommends feeding at least 1% of a horse’s body weight in fiber per day, and ideally 1.5%. for their senior horses. How many alfalfa cubes do you feed a horse? quality of life of our senior horses and also extend their lives even further. Alfalfa can be an excellent addition to most horses’ diets, even for those that are insulin resistant (IR). Sensitivity to cold could These horses may begin to accumulate fat at a rate that may be detrimental Plus, alfalfa cubes are expensive. Feeding two flakes from one bale might mean ten pounds. 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Will determine how much is needed and if supplemental grain should be added protein! A highly nutritional feed option for horses prone to choking fiber supplement is beet pulp.! Its nature of lignan fibers is harder to digest, puts more stress on general... To 16.5 lb ) forage // if replacing all the hay in the diet, 4. May stress their bones and joints and may aggravate any existing lameness such! When changing your horse properly chewing their feed if your horse ’ hindgut! Causes laminitis a flake? nutrient absorption in damage to the cold TEC hay cubes, pellets chopped!

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