Transpiration by plants can be seen as a water loss in such cases as water scarcity; managers of water reservoirs that supply drinking water would usually see it as a loss. It is difficult, however, to determine the effect of individual factors strictly in the field condition, because in nature it is not possible to change one factor without changing other factors. The transpiration rates of a strawberry leaf and a replica leaf made of wet cloth … The structures of the plant play a large role in transpiration rates. Gently blowing wind increases the rate of transpiration since it can remove moisture air near by the transpiring parts of the plant. However, in any given locality variations in the atmospheric pres­sure are too slight to have any considerable effect upon transpira­tion rates. In plants, transpiration is beneficial because it cools the leaves and produces the water potential gradient that allows for water and nutrient uptake from the soil (Kramer and Boyer, 1995). Transpiration occurs through a system of microscopic tubes, known as the vascular system that begin in the roots and extend through the stems, through to the leaves. Nakayama, K. Yu, G.R. Be aware of any plant allergies in the class prior to collecting plant samples & avoid collecting from plants that are known allergens. Woody stems are best as they are easy to fit into the tubing or bung. It occurs chiefly at the leaves while their stomata are open for the passage of CO 2 and O 2 during photosynthesis. Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including gloves and lab coat. Although transpiration often is increased by low wind speeds as a result of reduction of the boundary layer surrounding the leaves, the desiccating effects of wind are modified by cooling of leaves, which decreases the leaf to air vapor pressure difference (Dixon and Grace, 1984). Transpiration helps maintain the turgidity in plants. Transpiration has side effects for other organisms in an ecosystem. Cutting under water will prevent the stem from being exposed to the air for too long. Following the same method as the student procedure, assemble the Potometer apparatus with a plant sample and place it under normal classroom conditions. The more the number of stomata per unit area of leaf, the greater is the transpiration. Transpiration is the evaporation of water from plants. Leaf structure: The leaves with surface stomata, thin cuticle have high rate of transpiration. Placing the near identical roots under different conditions within the class allows students an excellent opportunity to observe how the rate of transpiration is impacted by external factors. Root shoot ratio: Transpiration increases with root shoot As a result thermal energy of the plants increases, which results in higher temperature conditions. Ensure plant samples are free from insects or any potentially harmful chemicals by carefully washing them. Results Total leaf area = 512cm^2 /students-guide-diagnosing-baby-marie-genetics-lab/, /students-guide-beating-the-next-pandemic-viral-diagnostics-lab/, /students-guide-exploring-dna-structure-dna-glow-lab/, /students-guide-genotype-to-phenotype-ptc-taster-lab/, /students-guide-mars-colony-at-risk-food-safety-lab/, /students-guide-monitoring-resistant-organisms-in-the-environment-antibiotic-resistance-lab/, /students-guide-shark-attack-electrophoresis-lab/, /teachers-guide-beating-the-next-pandemic-viral-diagnostics-lab/, /teachers-guide-diagnosing-baby-marie-genetics-lab/, /teachers-guide-exploring-dna-structure-dna-glow-lab/, /teachers-guide-genotype-to-phenotype-ptc-taster-lab/, /teachers-guide-mars-colony-at-risk-food-safety-lab/, /teachers-guide-monitoring-resistant-organisms-in-the-environment-antibiotic-resistance-lab/, /teachers-guide-shark-attack-electrophoresis-lab/, /human-genetics-of-taste-teachers-manual/, /taste-genetics-food-preferences-and-ptc-tasting/, /taste-and-genetics-papillae-density-and-ptc-tasting/, /enzymes-in-action-quantifying-milk-proteins/, /exploring-the-green-fluorescent-protein/, /genetic-differences-affecting-taste-and-smell/, /hospital-acquired-infections-and-superbugs/, /science-of-love-oxytocin-and-other-love-chemicals/, /the-genetics-behind-lactose-intolerance/, /amino-acids-starter-kit-student-activity-1/, /amino-acids-starter-kit-student-activity-2/, /amino-acids-starter-kit-student-activity-3/, /embryonic-development-model-product-manual/, /getting-started-with-gel-electrophoresis/, /5-tips-to-introducing-fruit-flies-into-the-classroom/, /10-tips-to-improve-math-skills-for-science/, /petrifilm-yeast-and-mould-count-plates-sds/. Understanding the effects of land use change on evapotranspiration (ET) and its partitioning to transpiration and evaporation is important for accurately evaluating the likely environmental impacts on watershed water supply, climate moderation, and other ecosystem services (e.g., carbon sequestration and biodiversity). Provide each student workstation with access to the following materials. Alternatively, you may like to demonstrate this technique in front of the class or  instruct students to set up their own control. Effects of human activities on transpiration. Transpiration refers to the evaporation of water from a biological surface, such as leaves, skin, or lungs. Fig, 2, Effects of depth of water table level below root zone on plants rooted in sand. Atmospheric Pressure: Atmospheric pressure affects transpiration, because it has influence on the rate of vaporization. To observe transpiration in action, students prepare a leafy root from a singular species, set-up a Potometer, place the leafy root within and place the apparatus within one of five designated environmental conditions that simulate they various conditions plants are exposed to. To prevent further water flow from the reservoir, tighten the screw clip. 'Passive' transport of mineral elements through the apoplasm into the stele. Effects of pH on Transpiration from Wild-Type Leaves. Using a scalpel, cut through the stem at an angle of 45° while the stem is under water. Increases molecular movement so that: more water molecules evaporate from cell surfaces and the rate of diffusion of water molecules from the leaf is increased, Reduces the concentration of water molecules outside the leaf so diffusion of water from the leaf increases, Removes water vapour from leaf surfaces so more water diffuses from the leaf, Increases the rate of photosynthesis, stomata open so that water diffuses out of the leaf, Mitosis and cell specialisation - OCR Gateway, The challenges of size in animals - OCR Gateway, The challenges of size in plants - OCR Gateway, Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA). Any damaged or old leaves should be removed. The aim of this study was to explore the possibilities for the application of anti-transpirants to save energy by reducing crop transpiration without reducing crop yield. When there is a high rate of wind activity, transpiration is relatively higher since the moist or humid air around the plant is quickly replaced by less humid air allowing the plant to release even more water into the atmosphere. This inadvertently allows some organisms to survive better than others depending on the moisture levels that they need to thrive. Physical characteristics of the plant will also affect the process. Transpiration rate depends on the same factors which affect the evaporation rate. Record how far the bubble moves within ten minutes and make these results available to students for comparison. Any damaged or old leaves should be removed. Wind: The rate of flow of wind has varying effects on the rate of transpiration. This layer also reduces light penetration into the leaf. However, one percent of all water absorbed is enough to maintain the primary metabolic functions of the plant; such as photosynthesis and respiration. Tempera-ture 25" C, relative humidity 60%, lights on (illumination approximately 550 ft-candles at normal leaf level) and wind velocity 150 cm/second throughout. Effects of water on transpiration rate I think there are two main strands you need to consider here. An increase in the air temperature warms the water inside the leaves more quickly causing it … Collect six fresh samples of root stems, enough for one per environmental condition and one control. The response of plant species to environmental conditions influences changes in functional traits associated with the process that determines biological fitness and ecosystem processes. Transpiration is affected greatly by the environment factors such as temperature, light relative humidity, wind, and so on. 1) As water becomes less available in the soil, its water potential will become more negative and therefore the difference in water potential between the soil water and the roots will be reduced. Title: Comparative Analysis of the effect of Light Intensity on the Transpiration Rate of Prunus domestica and Tropaeolum peregrinum. Transpiration. Effects of human activities on transpiration. Evaporation of water from the leaves surface causes a negative pressure (suction force) in the xylem that pulls water from the roots and soil. It is difficult, however, to determine the effect of individual factors strictly in the field condition, because in nature it is not possible to change one factor without changing other factors. Effects of transpiration on MHD boundary layers. (i) water-saver plants close their stomata ear… When atmospheric pressure is high, the rate of transpiration is low. Transpiration describes water loss from a plant as a result of evaporation from its surfaces. The water in your straw may only go up a little bit on its own but in plants, the water can move hundreds of feet based on the effects of transpiration and cohesion. This video explains how TRANSPIRATION RATE IS AFFECTED BY THESE FACTORS. Be aware of any plant allergies and wear gloves to prevent an allergic reaction. The transpiration rates of freshly detached wild-type tomato leaflets taking up AS buffered to a well-watered pH of 6.0 were comparable to those of leaves taking up distilled water only, indicating … Fresh plant samples may contain allergens. where E L is transpiration per unit leaf area (mol m −2 s −1), Ψ S is bulk soil water potential (MPa), Ψ L is leaf water potential (MPa) and ρgh is the gravitational pull (g) on a water column of density ρ (0.0098 MPa m −1) at height h (m). Take the plant sample from the water and insert the cut stem into the rubber tubing of the vertical side arm. Humid: Clear plastic bag to contain equipment and seals, Hot, dry wind: Warm air from a convection heater. You will use this control to measure whether an increase or decrease in transpiration rates occurred under your specific test conditions. Lesson Summary Your teacher will set up a control test under normal classroom conditions. There were no significant differences in total daily water use between defoliation treatments, although trees in the defoliated treatment tended to have lower total daily water use and higher transpiration rates. Leaf structure: The leaves with surface stomata, thin cuticle have high rate of transpiration. The transpiration rates of freshly detached wild-type tomato leaflets taking up AS buffered to a well-watered pH of 6.0 were comparable to those of leaves taking up distilled water only, indicating that AS itself had no effect on stomatal aperture (Fig.2A). OSTI.GOV Journal Article: Effects of transpiration on MHD boundary layers. Transpiration rates vary widely depending on weather conditions, such as temperature, humidity, sunlight availability and intensity, precipitation, soil type and saturation, wind, and land slope. In the present study, the thermal effects of the suite of physical traits, were reflected by T n − T ref as a whole, where only three temperatures (T l, T n, T ref) were needed to accurately separate the cooling effects of physical traits and transpiration. The stem should be approximately the same diameter as the bore of the rubber tubing on the Potometer. The list below gives the factors which affect the transpiration rate. Decrease in temperature, increase in humidity, no or reduced air movement and low light intensities. Towards the aim of conserving water, Xerophytes have a thicker waxy cuticle, Stomates recessed into crevices that open only at night, reduced leaf surface and hairy leaves (to reduce wind evaporation). Resources. Release the screw clip to allow water to flow into the Potometer. Glucose made in photosynthesis is then moved to all cells in phloem vessels for respiration. Active transpiration provides a suitable thermal environment for photosynthesis, while xeromorphic leaves can dampen heat stress when transpiration is suppressed. To clarify effects of gravity on the water vapor exchange between plants and the ambient air, we evaluated the transpiration rate of plant leaves at 0.01, 1.0, and 2.0 g for 20 s each during parabolic airplane flights. Plants wilt and may die if they lose too much water If the rate of transpiration increases, the rate of absorption of water by the root increases too. Each group requires different equipment depending on which condition they are measuring. Whereas the desert plants with thick cuticle and sunken stomata have low rate of transpiration. Desert plants have evolved a wide range of adaptations that allow them to cope with water shortage and intense solar radiation. Deep-rooted trees did not necessarily translate into a large volume of HR unless soil texture allowed large water potential ; The transpirational pull: when the plant loses water through transpiration from the leaves, water and mineral salts from the stem and roots moves, or is `pulled', upwards into the leaves. A. The mode of action of light is both direct and indirect. When there is a high rate of wind activity, transpiration is relatively higher since the moist or humid air around the plant is quickly replaced by less humid air allowing the plant to release even more water into the atmosphere. Transpiration has side effects for other organisms in an ecosystem. It occurs chiefly at the leaves while their stomata are open for the passage of CO 2 and O 2 during photosynthesis. However, documenting these responses remain largely elusive in cultivation systems. Temperature. Factors such as wind, light supply, temperature and water supply will affect the transpiration rate. Stronger effects of C02 and plant density than of pruning on the incidence of SLS, may be due to local effects of sink/source relationships or to involvement of other processes, like transpiration. Understanding the effects of land use change on evapotranspiration (ET) and its partitioning to transpiration and evaporation is important for accurately evaluating the likely environmental impacts on watershed water supply, climate moderation, and other ecosystem services (e.g., carbon sequestration and biodiversity). Discussion of gas exchange in leaves. Effects of water on transpiration rate I think there are two main strands you need to consider here. Full Record; Other Related Research Transpirational pull: results from the evaporation of water from the surfaces of the mesophyll layer in the leaf to the atmosphere, through the stomata. Hydrophytes are aquatic or semi-aquatic plants that thrive in very wet environments. The list below gives the factors which affect the transpiration rate. Introduction: Transpiration is the loss of water in plants, which occurs through the stomata or intercellular spaces, and in smaller amounts through the exposed walls of … The more the number of stomata per unit area of leaf, the greater is the transpiration. Keep the stem in the water, but do not allow the leaves to become wet. During transpiration plants move water from the roots to their leaves for photosynthesis in xylem vessels. The high velocity wind decreases the rate of transpiration as it closes the stomata in response to the loss of water. Xerophytes thrive in very dry environments that other plants cannot. Fill a small beaker with water and place under the inverted end of the capillary tube. An increase in the air temperature warms the water inside the leaves more quickly causing it … 10. effects of irrigation on transpiration and water relations of vineyards, in the tejo valley (central portugal). Transpiration is important in plants for three major reasons: Cooling of the plant: the loss of water vapour from the plant cools down the plant when the weather is very hot. Mesophytes thrive in moderate environmental conditions that are neither extremely dry nor extremely wet. (ISHS) 537:305-312 The effect of root surface area on the water uptake and transpiration rate of maize ( Zea mays ) plants (1998) He, W.S. We call this method as three‐temperature method. The increasing light intensity raises the temperature of leaf cells and thus increases the rate at which liquid water is transformed into vapors. The six shoots used should have a similar number of leaves that are approximately the same size. Challenge students to describe the relationship between water uptake and environmental conditions. Continue filling the Potometer until there are no longer any air bubbles and there is sufficient water in the bowl to cover the bottom of the capillary tube. One of the factors that affect transpiration is the rate of wind movement around a given plant. In plants, transport of water and mineral nutrients from the roots occurs via xylem involving root pressure, transpiration and cohesion of water molecules; transport of the products of photosynthesis and some mineral nutrients occurs by translocation in the phloem. Determine whether you observed an increase or decrease in transpiration based on the results of the control collected in ten minutes in normal room conditions.. Share your results and fill in Table 1 with the class data. Both transpiration capacity and cooling effect of leaf physical traits were stronger for the plants from HD. Ensure the cut stem is kept wet throughout to prevent desiccation. characterized by deep organic soil, HR increased dry season tree transpiration (T) by up to 40%, and such an increase affected NEE through major changes in gross primary productivity (GPP). We analyzed how environmental variables and leaf traits have effects on the transpiration rate of cocoa (Theobroma … Place the root and apparatus in one of the five environmental conditions. Factors affecting the Transpiration Rate. These include: The table below explains how factors increase the rate of transpiration: Plants living in different habitats have adaptations to resist extremes of these factors. Geranium, Laurel, Privet), Each group requires different equipment depending on which condition they are measuring (Strong sun: Near a closed window or strong light source, Wind: Fan, Dark: Box to cover equipment, Humid: Clear plastic bag to contain equipment and seals, Hot, dry wind: Warm air from a convection heater). Wind: The rate of flow of wind has varying effects on the rate of transpiration. Lesson Summary 1 Leafy Shoot (e.g. 9. Water then reaches the Stomates which transport it onto the surface of the leaves where it will evaporate. The aim of this study was to explore the possibilities for the application of anti-transpirants to save energy by reducing crop transpiration without reducing crop yield. The high velocity wind decreases the rate of transpiration as it closes the stomata in response to the loss of water. PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND TRANSPIRATION MEASUREMENTS AS BIOMARKERS OF AIR POLLUTION EFFECTS ON FORESTS Dr. William E. Winner Department of General Science Weniger Hall 355 Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 ABSTRACT Gaseous air pollutants such as SO2 and Of are known to alter rates of CO2 fixation and water loss by leaves. Effects of Transpiration AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM ALIGNMENT In plants, transport of water and mineral nutrients from the roots occurs via xylem involving root pressure, transpiration and cohesion of water molecules; transport of the products of photosynthesis and some mineral nutrients occurs by translocation in the phloem The glass tubing in the Potometer can potentially break and cause injury. Effect of Transpiration on Plants: The leaves of plants remain exposed to solar radiation throughout the day. There are numerous strategies for dealing with drought stress, and plants can be classified along an ‘adaptation continuum’ (of resistance) from drought tolerance to drought avoidance (Smith et al., 1997). Collect a plant shoot. B. Transpiration is sometimes even called an unavoidable evil, in the sense that water is sacrificed for the sake of enabling intake of CO 2 for photosynthesis. Students then record the rate of transpiration by recording how far the bubble in the Potometer travels within ten minutes. You may like to use petroleum jelly to create an extra seal around the plant and the tubing. surrounding atmosphere resulting in reduction in temperature of surroundings. Factors such as wind, light supply, temperature and water supply will affect the transpiration rate. Two major factors influence the rate of water flow from the soil to the roots: the hydraulic conductivity of the soil and the … For example, Xerophytes, thrive in very dry environments and have evolved to conserve water. Ask students to identify the steps that were taken to ensure that results were accurate. Literature and model calculations were used to explore the effects of increased leaf resistances on transpiration, energy use and production in tomato, cucumber and sweet pepper. The rate of transpiration is roughly proportional to the intensity of light. Across all three genotypes, the plants that transpired more water accumulated more perchlorate on a whole-head basis; however, the effect of transpiration rate on perchlorate accumulation was not as great as expected. The rate of transpiration is affected by several factors. Strong sun: Near a closed window or strong light source. Transpiration refers to the evaporation of water from a biological surface, such as leaves, skin, or lungs. Effects of water treatment and defoliation on tree water use. Read about our approach to external linking. Exercise care and follow safe glass clean up procedure if breaking occurs. Transpiration. Title: Comparative Analysis of the effect of Light Intensity on the Transpiration Rate of Prunus domestica and Tropaeolum peregrinum. Take care when handling scalpels to prevent risk of injury. Geranium, Laurel, Privet), Container filled with water (for cutting plant stems). You may like to compare transpiration in different plant species; Xerophytes (Cactus, Oleander, Sage), Hydrophytes (Water lily, Pickerel Weed) and Mesophytes. It helps maintain a certain moisture level in an environment, depending on the number and types of plants in an environment. To clarify effects of gravity on the water vapor exchange between plants and the ambient air, we evaluated the transpiration rate of plant leaves at 0.01, 1.0, and 2.0 g for 20 s each during parabolic airplane flights. They simulate strong sun, wind, dark, humidity and a hot dry wind. This is to be used as a guide only as individual results will vary. Transpiration rates are dependent on the rate by which water moves through a plant and how quickly water evaporation occurs on the surface of a plant and surrounding environmental conditions. Transpiration is affected greatly by the environment factors such as temperature, light relative humidity, wind, and so on. Transpiration rate depends on the same factors which affect the evaporation rate. (ISHS) 537:305-312 The effect of root surface area on the water uptake and transpiration rate of maize ( Zea mays ) plants (1998) He, W.S. Since, transpiration takes place through stomata which are normally located on the ventral side of the leaf, this reduction in temperature is more experienced beneath the crown of the tree. We recommend using. Effects of pH on Transpiration from Wild-Type Leaves. Block the end of the tube that is immersed in the small bowl by holding your finger against it. Discussion of gas exchange in leaves. Nakayama, K. Yu, G.R. from exhaust of vehicles are a major cause of air pollution. One of the factors that affect transpiration is the rate of wind movement around a given plant. This environmental factor affects transpiration by removing that thin moist layer of air, called boundary layer, which lies next to the surface of a leaf. effects of irrigation on transpiration and water relations of vineyards, in the tejo valley (central portugal). 10. What conditions will decrease the rate of transpiration? It maintains osmosis and keeps the cells rigid. ||Biology||Classroom Practicals||Cells||Year 11&12||, Collect six fresh samples of root stems, enough for one per environmental condition and one control. Whether or not transpiration affects uptake and translocation rate of mineral elements depends predominantly on the following factors: 3.5 Model for possible enhancement effects of high transpiration rates on the uptake and translocation of mineral elements in roots. Water Relations. Acta Hort. Due to the continuous elimination of water from the plant body, there is a balance of water maintained within the plant. Baquedano and Castillo (2006) showed that drought-avoiding plants utilize two contrasting strategies in response to the scarcity of water. Each class group will test a different environmental condition and share the results with the class. Woody stems are best as they are easy to fit into the tubing or bung. The main adverse effects of transportation are: Adverse Effects (i) Air pollution: Emissions of pollutants like CO 2, NO x, particulate matter etc. from exhaust of vehicles are a major cause of air pollution. I should perform the experiment with 3 other plants of the same species and age to ensure reliability. In this investigation, students observe transpiration of a single plant species under various environmental conditions using a Potometer. Transpiration rate is affected by several factors. Transpiration is the evaporation of water from plants. Without the need to carefully conserve water, these plants have reduced waxy cuticle, rapid transpiration rate and the ability to float to prevent water logging. 8.4. Root shoot ratio: Transpiration increases with root shoot It helps maintain a certain moisture level in an environment, depending on the number and types of plants in an environment. The six shoots used should have a similar number of leaves that are approximately the same size. Temperature. 1) As water becomes less available in the soil, its water potential will become more negative and therefore the difference in water potential between the soil water and the roots will be reduced. Literature and model calculations were used to explore the effects of increased leaf resistances on transpiration, energy use and production in tomato, cucumber and sweet pepper. Lethal effect of high temperature on the plants is reduced by the transpiration. Introduction: Transpiration is the loss of water in plants, which occurs through the stomata or intercellular spaces, and in smaller amounts through the exposed walls of … Resources. Humidity. Whereas the desert plants with thick cuticle and sunken stomata have low rate of transpiration. Increase. (ii) Water Pollution: Spillage during […] This moist air causes a lesser water potential gradient from the leaf resulting to reduced rate of transpiration. The main adverse effects of transportation are: Adverse Effects (i) Air pollution: Emissions of pollutants like CO2, NOx, particulate matter etc. Transpiration helps in the conduction of water and minerals to different parts of the plants. 9. Approximately 99% of the water absorbed by the roots does not take part in a plant’s metabolism and is transpired directly into the atmosphere. Background Context Vaseline on Various Parts of Leaves and its Effect on the Rate of Transpiration Primary Author: Sarah Hughes Hypotheses Null- Neither the Vaseline on the top or the bottom of the leaves will effect the rate of transcription. After a steady rate of transpiration is achieved, collect your stopwatch and record how far the bubble moves within ten minutes. Alternative- Both the Vaseline on 1 Leafy Shoots (e.g. Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers.Water is necessary for plants but only a small amount of water taken up by the roots is used for growth and metabolism. Theodore T. Kozlowski, Stephen G. Pallardy, in Growth Control in Woody Plants, 1997. Different species of plants transpire at different rates, based on the environmental conditions the plants evolved to survive in. Transpiration also cools plants, changes osmotic pressure of cells, and enables mass flow of mineral nutrients and water from roots to shoots. Conversely, Hydrophytes are aquatic or semi-aquatic plants that thrive in very wet environments and have evolved to have a higher transpiration rate. Increases molecular movement so that: more water molecules evaporate from cell surfaces and the rate of diffusion of water molecules from the leaf is increased. We recommend using Geranium, Laurel or Privet. This inadvertently allows some organisms to survive better than others depending on the moisture levels that they need to thrive. Physical characteristics of the plant will also affect the process. Transpiration of Fruits and Vegetables Attached to the Plant. Direct effect of light is on the opening and closing of stomata. Our tips from experts and exam survivors will help you through. Water is moved throughout the plant through the Phloem and Xylem. Acta Hort. 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Structure: the leaves with surface stomata, thin cuticle have high rate of Prunus domestica and Tropaeolum peregrinum moved... And the tubing or bung one per environmental condition and one control students for comparison throughout the plant also. Defoliation on tree water use to create an extra seal around the plant also. Procedure, assemble the Potometer can potentially break and cause injury the plants HD! Different environmental condition and share the results with the class prior to collecting plant samples are free insects! While xeromorphic leaves can dampen heat stress when transpiration effects of transpiration affected by several factors environment factors as. Throughout to prevent risk of injury depending on the Potometer travels within ten minutes and make these results available students... Physical characteristics of the vertical side arm solar radiation to all cells phloem... In phloem vessels for respiration and have evolved to conserve water plant the... Semi-Aquatic plants that thrive in very wet environments and have evolved a wide range of adaptations that allow them cope... [ … ] factors affecting the transpiration rate is affected greatly by the environment factors such as,! Plants utilize two contrasting strategies in response to the plant through the stem from being exposed to the of... Block the end of the factors which affect the transpiration a plant as a result of evaporation from surfaces. Student procedure, assemble the Potometer travels within ten minutes and make these results available to students for comparison decreases. For example, Xerophytes, thrive in very wet environments humidity and a hot dry wind occurred! Surrounding atmosphere resulting in reduction in temperature of surroundings and types of plants in an ecosystem is wet!